15 Brain Exercises That Work — Brain Games and Activities To Increase Cognitive Function, Memory, and Focus

Pamela Kazmierczak
Pam’s Thoughts
Published in
6 min readAug 2, 2021


Photo by National Cancer Institute on Unsplash

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Are you looking for ways to keep your brain sharp and focused? Want to try brain exercises but do not know where to start?

What are Brain Exercises?

Brain exercises are exercises, games, or activities that help keep your brain functioning and healthy. Many people who participate in brain exercises view their brain as just another muscle that needs exercise to perform at peak ability.

What are the Benefits of Brain Exercises?

When you are exercising your brain regularly, you will reap the benefits. Some of the benefits are probably things you would expect, such as better focusing ability, quicker…



Pamela Kazmierczak
Pam’s Thoughts

Helping Writers find places to submit their work to — sometimes for money! I write about other stuff sometimes, too!