6 Reasons to Be Kind To Others

Pamela Kazmierczak
Pam’s Thoughts
Published in
3 min readOct 31, 2021


Find out why being kind is not only easy but beneficial to you.

kindness, kind people, be kind, reasons to be kind
Photo by Andrew Thornebrooke on Unsplash

Being kind costs you nothing. I know it sounds a bit cliché, but it is true. One of the problems in the world today is that people are just not kind. You see it everywhere. When was the last time you went through a day without seeing a new video or hearing a new story about people’s bad behavior?

People seem to be worse than ever before. Common decency is gone as it seems people will say whatever hateful, hurtful, or offensive things come to their mind. Screaming at strangers or people who make minimum wage in the service industry like they think they are entitled to whatever the hell they want.

You should learn to be kind to others if for no reason other than not to be like those people.

However, if you want some other reasons — here are a few to consider.

Being Mean Does Not Solve Anything

Sure, you can be mean and rude to people. But what will this solve? Rude people usually do not get their way, and it can actually have adverse effects on their lives. People who are mean all the time tend to lose friendships, relationships, and the respect of others.

From the videos and stories we discussed, they sometimes lose their jobs and prospects for a future…



Pamela Kazmierczak
Pam’s Thoughts

Helping Writers find places to submit their work to — sometimes for money! I write about other stuff sometimes, too!