Chairman Omali Yeshitela

The FBI’s Campaign to Lynch the Uhuru Socialist Movement

Max Jones
Pan-African Voice
Published in
8 min readApr 25, 2023


Join the Hands Off Uhuru! Hands Off Africa! Defense Campaign!

Hands Off Uhuru! Hands Off Africa!

Recently, Tucker Carlson did a segment about the Biden Administration’s actions toward the Uhuru movement, I have known and recorded information about the scenario for months, and because of Tucker Carlson, I feel now is the right time to talk about the situation.

“What’s interesting about this is that these are not MAGA people, these are the victims of systemic racism they’re always lecturing us about, right? Their first amendment rights have been stripped and are now looking at possible jail terms for having opinions that Biden doesn’t like” Tucker states.

Two days after this statement was made, Tucker was fired from Fox News… funny how that works out, right?

We now can understand that the results are threefold.

  1. The mainstream media is now aware of the Uhuru movement and their mistreatment more than ever before
  2. The white working class acknowledges that the actual black radicals are not against them, in fact, they share a struggle.
  3. Even the big news companies are targeting white conservatives who speak out against the Biden administration and argue in favor for the rights of black radicals.

The 3 results make one thing clear: the working class has one common enemy.

I Hands off Uhuru!

“I am proud to be named as an “unindicted co-conspirator” by the criminal colonial State”–Nov 3, 2022 Penny Hess, Chair of the African People’s Solidarity Committee

Chairman Omali Yeshitela

The Uhuru Movement is a Communist movement that aims to fight for African liberation and self-determination. It was founded by Omali Yeshitela, a prominent civil rights activist, in the late 1970s. The movement is part of the African People’s Socialist Party, which seeks to build a socialist future for African people.

Omali Yeshitela is the founder of the Uhuru Movement and Chairman of the African People’s Socialist Party. He has been fighting for Black Power for over 50 years, and he believes that the movement is critical for the survival and liberation of African people. Yeshitela explains:

“These banks are collaborating with the government to deny black people the right to have free healthcare, to have economic development in our communities, for our children to have safe basketball courts. They want us on welfare. But we’ve got a right to have our own power.”

Yeshitela argues that the economic sanctions against the Uhuru Movement are a continuation of the attacks that have been made against black liberation movements for decades. He compares the economic aggression to the bombing and the destruction of the Black Panther Party black community survival programs.

Yeshitela accuses the American government of imposing economic sanctions against the black-led Uhuru Movement as they do against countries who do not bow to U.S. world domination, such as Cuba, Venezuela, Afghanistan, China, and Russia. He believes that the actions of financial institutions like Regions Bank are a direct result of growing demands for reparations to black people for slavery and colonialism.

“The civil rights movement was never a movement for civil rights. It was always a movement for human rights. The struggle was always about political power, economic power, and cultural power.”

Ture believed that economic power is the key to achieving true liberation for African people. He argues that black people must build their own economic power.

In March 2023, Regions Bank terminated its 20-year relationship with the black nonprofit African People’s Education and Defense Fund (APEDF), closing accounts, withdrawing lines of credit and canceling mortgage loans. This move was part of a wider effort to target the black community programs of the Uhuru Movement, including its Women’s Health Center, basketball court, marketplaces, community garden, radio station, and community centers. Facebook, GoFundMe, and Stripe also blocked contributions to the group, and Pinellas County Commission revoked funding for WBPU 96.3 FM black community radio station. These economic sanctions came after a series of violent government-initiated attacks on the Uhuru Movement, which led to arrests, interrogations, censorship, and a U.S. State Department announcement of a $10 million reward for information that could tie Uhuru leaders to Russian government interference. The founder of the Uhuru Movement accuses the American government and financial institutions of imposing economic sanctions against the black-led Uhuru Movement, likening it to historical attacks against black community programs. A campaign has been launched to defend the Uhuru Movement and its institutions.

“Put the colonial state on trial, we will win!” Chairman Omali says. Omali wrote, earlier this year that “There are strong indications that in early 2023, I, Omali Yeshitela, Chairman of the African People’s Socialist Party (APSP), founder of the Uhuru (“Freedom”) Movement, will be indicted, along with other Uhuru leaders and members, by the federal government of the United States.”

“On July 29 of 2022, the FBI violently and militarily raided my home in north St. Louis, Missouri where I live with my wife, the Deputy Chair of the African People’s Socialist Party, Ona Zené Yeshitela, along with six other homes and offices of Uhuru Movement leaders. “ Omali says.

For what crime? These are claims and allegations, that even if were true, would be a political lynching.

II The FBI’s Excuse

On February 8, 2023, the U.S. government offered a $10 million reward for any information on Aleksandr Ionov, a Russian national whom the FBI claims is responsible for the July 29, 2022 attack on the homes and offices of Uhuru Movement members. The African People’s Socialist Party (APSP) Chairman Omali Yeshitela, APSP Deputy Chair Ona Zené Yeshitela, APSP AgitProp Director Akilé Anai, African People’s Solidarity Committee Chair Penny Hess, and Uhuru Solidarity Movement Chair Jesse Nevel were among those whose homes were raided. The APSP and movement offices in St. Louis, Missouri, and St. Petersburg, Florida were also searched.

From a Marxist-Leninist perspective, the U.S. government’s $10 million reward for information on Aleksandr Ionov is an attempt to divert attention away from its own crimes against the Uhuru Movement and to portray the movement as being influenced by foreign agents. This tactic is commonly used by imperialist powers to discredit revolutionary movements and justify their violent repression.

From a Marxist-Leninist perspective, there have been many examples of imperialist powers using similar tactics to discredit revolutionary movements and justify their repression. One example is the United States government’s use of the Red Scare during the Cold War era to target and persecute communists and leftist groups, often accusing them of being influenced by foreign agents. This included the infamous McCarthy hearings and the blacklisting of individuals in the entertainment industry suspected of having communist sympathies.

Another example of this tactic can be seen in the trial of the Chicago Seven in 1969. The seven defendants were charged with conspiracy to incite a riot at the 1968 Democratic National Convention. The trial was widely viewed as a political prosecution, with the government using it as a means to discredit the anti-war and civil rights movements. The defendants were subjected to a highly publicized trial that included attempts by the government to portray them as violent revolutionaries and agents of foreign powers.

Another example of a trial that is directly comparable to the lynching of the Uhuru movement is the trial of the MOVE 9 in 1978. The MOVE organization was a revolutionary group based in Philadelphia that advocated for environmental and animal rights, as well as Black liberation. The MOVE 9 were nine members of the group who were charged with the murder of a police officer during a confrontation with law enforcement. However, the trial was widely criticized for being politically motivated and for its use of evidence obtained through illegal means. The defendants were also subjected to mistreatment during their imprisonment, with some being held in solitary confinement for up to 23 hours a day.

In the 1980s, the United States government also used similar tactics to discredit and suppress the Central American solidarity movement, which opposed US intervention in the region. The government accused activists of being linked to Marxist guerrillas and sought to portray them as a threat to national security. This included the use of surveillance, harassment, and prosecution of individuals and organizations associated with the movement.

The Uhuru Movement’s struggle for African liberation is seen as a threat to the U.S. imperialist project, which depends on the exploitation and oppression of oppressed nations and peoples for its continued existence. The attack on the movement’s leaders and offices is a manifestation of the inherent violence of the capitalist system, which seeks to maintain its power through force and coercion.

The Uhuru Movement’s response to the reward demonstrates their understanding of the class nature of the State and its role in maintaining the capitalist system. They recognize that the State is not a neutral arbiter but an instrument of the ruling class that serves to protect their interests. By placing the State on trial, the movement is challenging the legitimacy of the capitalist system and exposing the true nature of the State as a tool of oppression.

This article was written by Max X, Max X is a Marxist and Materialist writer, to support us in our endeavors, please follow us, leave a comment or give 50 claps to this article.

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Completed on 4/25/2023

