
Cathal Horan
Published in
4 min readJan 15, 2017

The next item on our list of activities was ziplining. Jennifer had signed us up for the ziplining ages ago. She had been reluctant to go on the canyoning but for some reason we felt that the ziplining would be easy compared to the canyoning. Oh how we were wrong😨😱

We started off by getting a tram up to above the tree line. This gets you up to over 4000 feet and you basically zipline your way down. This is where we started to get a little apprehensive. We started on a tiny little training line that was ‘only’ 100 feet. This was a practice run and it went fine. Still a buzz all the same.

Then once you landed on the other platform and turned right you saw a massive line over 1500 feet long and you could see the whole drop below you. The shock was immediate. We stared in bewilderment as the guides went ahead of us to be there to catch us. I think everyone in our group freaked out. There was shouts of ‘no way' and other choice words being screamed. Jennifer was initially reluctant to go.

She just said she couldn’t do it. The guide let the rest of the group go first and then just Jennifer and myself were left. The guide was great. He just asked Jennifer where she came from and just gently takes her through it. I was trying to put on a brave encouraging face while inside I was freaking out. So after a little discussion Jennifer assumed the position we had been taught and off she went. No turning back now. Next up me 😎

I had already lost volume control with the adrenaline and was shouting and whispering at the same time making no sense. Then i just started screaming and the guide launched me off.

I just could not stop screaming the whole way. It feels like an age you are over the rain forest flying along. You have to try and slow down at the end and open your legs and brace for impact when they catch you. My legs were like jelly and I was screaming like a crazy person. The guide asked me how it was and volume control was still all off and I roared AWESOME OH MY GOD ARRRGGGGGV or something like that. He laughed his ass off saying that was the best response he had ever seen in all his time doing it.

The adrenaline didn’t stop. Jennifer and myself both agreed we were glad to do it but also would be glad to get it over with. There were seven ziplines in total with the longest being 2461 feet and you were zipping along for over 50 seconds. Jennifer said the guide was laughing waiting for me to arrive on the other side saying … let’s see what screaming your husband does this time 😜

Throughout it the guides were great. You felt safety was their top priority even when they were giving you a gentle shove off the platform 😂 like I said, it was an amazing experience, we were glad we did it but also glad it was over and we needed some strong drinks once we got to town to settle the nerves Irish style🇮🇪🍸🍹🍻🍺

