Covid-19|Fact Check

Students are they the Breeding Ground for Covid-19? In short, No.

Many argue that students and children are the natural breeding ground for viruses like Covid-19 and Influenza A. But is this true? What does the data tell us? Take a look and you’ll be surprised.

Matthew Bottomley
Published in
5 min readJan 5, 2021


Introduction and Summary

Many things in life are taken for granted. The fact that young people are breading grounds for viruses is one of them. Science and the scientific method is supposed to guard against this, but it doesn’t always work. Often the data can be read in one of two ways — and the role student’s play in the transmission of viruses is a classic case of this. A case where perhaps confirmation bias has caused us all to jump to the wrong conclusions.

Take for example, the outbreak of Covid-19 (or any virus for that matter) in a university campus, which is then followed by an outbreak in the surrounding community.

It seems a fairly open and shut case. The outbreak started with students, grew to a critical mass there and was then spread to the wider community. Common sense says so.

But what if common sense was wrong, it often is after all.

An Alternative Challenger Theory



Matthew Bottomley

analyst, strategist, activist, philosopher and poet — a guy, from England, dreaming of humanity.