Kitchen Interviews: Chef Fran, Spanish community manager and a lovely mate.🧉

Chef Nina
Published in
6 min readOct 4, 2021

Chef Nina interviews PancakeSwap Spanish Community Manager, Chef Fran.

🦆Chef Nina: Here’s vol.2 of our kitchen interview series! As you may know, PancakeSwap has a huge user base, so the community is also huge. Our community is self-governing, with supportive users who tell the newcomers what they should know and the admins who keep order in the group. This is what we are proud of! We also have someone working for the community inside the kitchen. Did you know it? They’re called “Community Manager Chefs’’. Our guest this time is Chef Fran, who’s the first CM in the kitchen.

¡Hola! Fran! Please tell us about yourself. What is your role in the kitchen, and what have you done?

🧉Chef Fran: I am the Community Manager (CM) of PancakeSwap in Spanish. I manage and administer the community, I do social networks in Spanish, translations, among several things. Somehow, we can say that I am the voice of Pancakeswap in Spanish. I want the other rabbits to learn the language but they are always very busy.

🦆 A trivia — Spanish community is the second biggest PancakeSwap group after English one. Chef Fran is organising it along with strong admins. I heard that you’ve been an admin in the Spanish community, then joined the chef team. How did that happen??

🧉 Everything happened so fast that it’s hard to see myself inside the kitchen. I entered PancakeSwap as a normal user from its second day of life. The DeFi world was very new to me, so I learned a lot of things day by day. At that time there was only the main community in English, but it was difficult for me to learn all that in another language that I don’t handle 100%. So together with other people we decided to create a group in Spanish to understand each other better and learn. Every day more and more people entered and from the creators only I remained, explaining things that I had just learned to new users. At some point the community already had me as a reference, and helping made me very happy. When I wanted to realize we were passing 2000 users. The rest is known history.

🦆 I see, so that you’ve been invited into the kitchen. Now the Spanish community on Telegram has 16k members, and is still growing day by day. That’s fantastic work!
After you’ve become a chef, PancakeSwap created more regional communities than 10. What makes our Spanish community unique?

🧉 I think the Spanish community has all that is often associated with Spanish-speaking countries: we are passionate, emotional, funny and sometimes a little dramatic. And all that is reflected in how we function as a community, sometimes everything is a party and sometimes you have to accompany waves of users who are scared for no apparent reason. And that’s great, there’s never time to get bored!
Many of our countries have gone through crises that are explained in the history books. For many, PancakeSwap gave us the freedom that governments and banks don’t give us, and that’s reflected a lot in the life stories you see every day in the community. For all that resilience I think the community in Spanish is unique.

🦆 That’s interesting. I speak Japanese, but there is no such thing like “Japanese speaking countries”, so the sense of unity in a language that transcends national boundaries is really unique, as you say. We need to do more to help Spanish speaking people to make their lives better.
So, you’ve been working for PancakeSwap as an admin before and a chef now. Which PancakeSwap product is your favorite, and why?

🧉 I think the PancakeSwap NFT Marketplace is the best product ever created. It is an excellent example that you can bring a product from the traditional world (Art market) to the decentralized world without losing anything in between. Better than that, with the ability to add features without having to rely on absurd regulations or limitations so everyone can participate. And soon, when we add external collections, I think we will give a lot to talk about throughout the Defi ecosystem.

🦆 The next question is the same what I’ve asked to Chef Cheems. I hope you don’t take it too seriously…Which (team)mate do you admire the most?

🧉 I think the person I admire most within our team is our duck. No matter the time of day, Nina is always there, listening to users, uploading things to twitter, finding errors, creating reports, etc. It is the duck that never sleeps. I think there is more than one Nina. She is a very funny companion with whom you can joke in addition to working. Everyone should have Nina in their teams.

🔫🦆 Yes, I am pointing a muzzle at Fran during this interview, so he can only answer like this…

Let me tell you about Fran from a duck’s point of view. He’s always cheerful, kind and I have never seen him in a bad mood or angry. He is very well liked by admins outside the Spanish community too. So I see him as a master of communication and I respect him especially for that. Fran likes to drink mate a lot and often texts me “mate” before a meeting. This means “I’ll make mate and be right back.” but “mate” is also in Japanese, which means “wait for me”. I always find it funny because the meaning is formed coincidentally, even Fran doesn’t know that Japanese word at all. Fran, your love to mate🧉 are well known across the kitchen. Can you tell us more about it?

🧉 hahaha for those who do not know it, mate is a typical drink in many Latin American countries, but it is the Argentines , Uruguayans and Paraguayans who drink it at all times of the day. Mate is a national pride, an excuse for meeting people you appreciate, a custom that embraces us all. Stop talking, let’s drink a mate.

🦆 Bien, let me learn how to make mate…Apart from drinking mate🧉, what else do you usually do in your free time? Argentina is famous for its football, isn’t it?

🧉 I am a very sociable person, who enjoys going out to do sports or a bar very often. I am passionate about football and training. I’m to understand social relationships and how we can solve problems, to create better communities in all walks of life. I like to understand things and be functional, that’s why I also started to learn programming, and thus be able to understand the logic behind much of what happens in the kitchen.

🦆: That’s nice! We have many chefs in the kitchen who take time out of their busy lives to learn something like Fran. It is important to keep learning, I believe that knowing something often enriches your life more than staying in ignorance of it. Lastly, any comments to the users?

🧉 … I think it’s always good to remind users that the DeFi world comes with a lot of responsibility. We all want to be our own bank but we are not all prepared. We live all our lives depositing that care in institutions. This is a new world. An incredible world that can give us a lot of happiness, but we must take the time to learn how to navigate it. I invite you to stop by the community for any questions you may have. I hope so!

🦆: Thanks for taking your time Fran! We’re very excited about the further growth of the Spanish community. ¡Salud!

🦆: That’s all for the interview with Chef Fran. He will continue to be the face of Spanish community and maybe even jump into the other communities too. If you have any comments or requests, please let us know with the hashtag #InterviewWithChefs on twitter.

And, don’t forget to follow PancakeSwap official and Fran’s twitter accounts!
Do you speak Spanish? Then I’ll recommend you to follow PancakeSwap Español account too!

Chef Nina 🦆
🥞 Twitter

