Published in
5 min readNov 10, 2021


Hi guys! It’s me: Spoony. You’re probably sick of me… “Oh, that guy with the big coin and the bad fan art, not him again.” Well — IT’S ME! — so get used to it. I thought that there was so much cool stuff that’s been made in the community that, every so often, we should have a recap: a little look back in time when things were good in the world and cake was still $20. A small way to record our community’s history.

I’m not very good at writing and my spelling is bad so please excuse any poor grammar. That being said, @_mackinac offered to proofread so maybe he’ll make it a little better and, if I’m being honest, he’s the one writing this sentence right now as he proofreads my article — the rest is all me though!

During these posts, I will try my best to get everything from the community that I can remember. If you have seen anything cool, please DM me on Twitter: @Nftspoony.

All of these are in no particular order. So without further ado, let’s get on with it!


How could I not start with the #NoneClub? This club was founded in the early days of PancakeSquad after @cryptoqueef noted that — just possibly — when the most common items are combined, we get the cleanest and best-looking bunnies going (but I may be biased here). Thanks for starting us off on the right foot, @cryptoqueef!

It’s been around for about a month now and the community that has grown from the club is amazing. A lot of the great community projects below are born from members of the #NoneClub.

Banners Banners and More Banners

If you don’t have a PancakeSquad Twitter banner, are you even actually ON Twitter?

The next big craze involved a few members of the community rallying together to get everyone a customized Twitter banner. It started off fairly simple with a small/large version of the bunny with a flat background. Soon the banners became a hive of creativity. We had makers using assets from the bunnies in weird and wonderful ways to create amazing banners. To thank for this, we have @t_skribbles, @cryptoqueef, @ed_rantsan, @_mackinac, @Satoshi69_nft, and @brunchbandit. Maybe some others I’ve missed too! But @cryptoqueef was the first!

The banner making came to a head when 4 of the 5 aforementioned makers had a #BannerOff to decide the fate of the 1500x500px space on @The_Russ_’s profile. Take a read to find out who won the coveted space:

I would attach some more pictures but honestly there are too many to choose from. A quick count shows that there are well over 120+ banners in the wild now. Go on Twitter to find some community members and you’ll know it when you see it — everyone has ’em now! But if you don’t, don’t feel bad. Just message one of the banner-makers above and they might be able to sort you out.

The Coin

Is it vain to talk about my own Twitter thread? I suppose so, but a fair number of people seem to remember the time when the coin WOULDN’T. STOP. GROWING. If you don’t know about this, it was a tweet from @NFTSpoony (me) that said that after every 5 likes the post received, I would make the coin on my Squad’s head larger. …It got out of hand.

From my perspective, it was pretty crazy. I created my Twitter solely for PancakeSquad so it was a brand new account and I expected around 50 likes. So I made 10 images and went to bed.

The next morning, I realised the grave error in my judgment. Luckily, I had a couple days off actual adult work so I could spend every waking minute doing silly work instead.

I decided that I didn’t have enough time in the day to fully keep my promise. So I went with the storybook ending, which people seemed to really enjoy. Where is the coin now, you ask? Still stuck to my head — duh.


PancakeSquad hosted Halloween! PancakeSwap announced a brilliant competition, with winners in three categories: Best Pumpkin, Best Pancake, and Best Costume. We had full squadrons of pumpkins and some fantastic get-ups. I would recommend checking out all the entries on the following tweet to see what you might have missed:

Pancake Community Fund

A creation by our very own @_mackinac of the #NoneClub. For the community funded by the community. Any donations into this fund staked on PancakeSwap and rewarded back to the community for artwork, games, jokes, memes, or anything that adds some vibrancy to the PancakeSquad community.

So far, we’ve had a total of 4 winners, all receiving a healthy slice of CAKE. This is a brilliant example of a selfless act with the sole intention of further enriching the community. I’m not here to beg, but I will bloody well get down on my knees if I have to: If you have any spare Cake sprinkled about and you would like to put it into the fund, please contact @_mackinac on Twitter.

(Editor’s note: If you want to donate to the fund, please send BNB or Cake to the following wallet address: 0xA6d65Ae6d7a1a73482082a636f11e6872C4b0736)


I’m going to move onto a couple of members who have individually added to our community. Number one is my guy, Shio_nft. I wish I spoke Japanese so I didn’t have to Google translate all of his tweets.

Shio shines due to his unique artwork. He has done multiple pieces of fan art for members of the community for both Halloween and, more recently, mochitsuki. He is well worth a follow for the creative work he illustrates. I mean just look at how cute this is:

Mr Relative

Gif-Meister Relative has broadened the scope of PancakeSwap fan art by slowly creating more and more intricate gifs.

Starting with some simpler renditions, Mr_Relative has continually pushed the creative envelope and included more and more moving parts.

Recently, we have seen Mr_Relative including songs and audio and now we are getting into the realm of fully-fledged videos. I’m looking forward to how far he can go!

The End

In conclusion, we have a great community. Big thanks to all the chefs who are continually working on PancakeSwap and further enhancements to the NFT section. We’re all looking forward to seeing, smelling, and tasting what’s in their ovens. Also, much gratitude to the community: keep creating and sharing!

Again, if I have missed anything, please feel free to DM me on Twitter and when I can be bothered to do another roundup, I’ll stick you into the mix!



