Published in
6 min readJan 3, 2022


Hi, everybody! It’s me, Spoony! …Again! And hopefully, I’m accompanied by the watchful eyes of the ever-generous _mackinac. If he wasn’t here, absolutely none of this would make any sense and it would all be terribly misspelt. (_mackinac here: Y’all. This thing came to me looking like an angry donkey wrote it on a used diaper.)

It seems like it’s been forever since we last talked! So much has happened in the community since then and we need to catch up! I said it last time and I’ll say it again: The amount of things happening in this community is amazing! But sometimes, I just can’t keep up. So if you see anything, feel free to send it my way on Twitter (@NftSpoony) so I can put it in the next roundup!

Without further adieu, let’s dig in!


Just after the first community roundup, we had the very first #SquadSpace take place. Initially, this was an idea from @0xFForest on Twitter, with the first space being an interview with @_mackinac. After their vibe-filled podcast, a duo was formed. Forest and Mack would be regular co-hosts. Their goal is to bring together more guests, more community, more questions, and more laughter.

Despite being in its infancy, we have already had a couple of PancakeSwap Chefs speak on the podcast, a full-blown interview with the very talented Chef Cecy, and many guest appearances from people all over the community.

I’m sure there are some great things to come from SquadSpace yet. Be sure to keep an eye out as this is one of the best ways to get more involved in the community: listen, join in, laugh, maybe even cry? The only way to find out is to attend!


This one caught my eye on Twitter via the official PancakeSwap account. Take a look at PancakePay:

Now, I’m not fluent in Japanese, but from what I can deduce, this is a popular restaurant for which Twitter user @kamejir0u has created a web service that enables these fluffy, delightful pancakes to be purchased with–you guessed it–$CAKE!

Recently, it seems they have branched out for the holidays and you can now also buy actual cakes with $CAKE. Truly, we are living in the future.


A Tokyo-based gallery has used a traditional Japanese painting technique called “relief painting” to highlight the beauty that NFTs can bring to the real world. Thanks to them, we can see Panurai and other NFTs in all their amazing glory, with our own eyes, not on an electronic screen.

If you happen to be around Tokyo in February, there is another NFT gallery hosting this stoic rendition of Panurai for visitors to enjoy. Make sure to check it out!

Official Discord

You read that right: The official PancakeSwap Discord server is up and running! Chef Nina and many others have worked incredibly hard to create a quirky space for genuine discussion of all things PancakeSwap–as well as crypto in general.

The Discord server has so many different channels: They’ve included a section for every single facet of the website, as well as several others. There are even a couple custom-made bots: one for the lottery and another for PancakeSquad trading! Both were created by the sublime @tootypang. And–yes–there is a #NoneClub only chat too!

There has been a massive amount of effort put into the Discord to reduce the amount of bots, scammers, and spammers. I believe those efforts will allow new Discord members to discover a quality community just waiting for them, instead of one riddled with tricksters and con artists.

That said, please DO NOT LET YOUR GUARD DOWN. Scammers are getting smarter everyday so be advised that no moderator or admin will DM you first. Stay vigilant, folks!

Mirandas & Phillips Art

Who doesn’t love our cute PancakeSquad bunnies? How about our cute PancakeSquad bunnies drawn by kids? …I thought that might get your attention.

@Crypto_Shelly_ on Twitter has shared many photos by Miranda (age 7) and Nathan (age 14). We have had our fair share of art but theirs may just top them all.

I mean, take a look at that! Who doesn’t want this legendary 1/1 El Luchador bunny? Maybe I’ll put a luchador mask over my own face and see how it looks…?

Fan Token Trading Battle Hats

During the Fan Token Trading Battle, a few bunnies did their part to support one of three factions: Syrup Storm, Fearsome Flippers, or Chaotic Cakers. So, in order to stir up some morale for my team–the Fearsome Flippers–I took it upon myself to create a special team hat! Not to toot my own horn, but I’m thinking this had something to do with our absolutely massive win. What else could rally the Flippers to perform so much better than every other team?

After the Flippers hat, soon came Skribb… Wait. Sorry. I mean Godden! Godden decided that Syrup Storm needed a hat for themselves too. And to round out the roster, BrunchBandit crafted the hat for the Chaotic Cakers. All of a sudden, Twitter was full of hat-wearing bunnies, showing support for the upcoming battle.

Take a look below at some of our most fearsome bunnies! And know that I’m only showing the Flippers because–frankly–we are the best and I don’t care for the rest. LET’S GO FLIPPERS!


The latest competition direct from PancakeSwap revolved around artwork and it really shined a spotlight on some of the amazing talent we have here in our community. In first place, we had the already-acclaimed PancakeSwap illustrator @Shio_nft with this masterpiece:

It’s PancakeSwap competitions like these that really bring out the best in the community. I highly suggest taking a look at all of the runner-ups below to see even more splendid artwork.

As the winner, Shio’s artwork was immortalized on the blockchain via the interpretive talents of Chef Cecy. The Christmas NFT was released on December 29 and it’s pretty awesome to see the 3D version of Shio’s cute Christmas bunny. Way to go, Shio! Way to go, Cecy!

Fan Art

While compiling this community roundup, I found so many amazing artistic contributions that I could probably turn this into a three-book series. But instead of putting you through that, let’s quickly run through some of these very honorable mentions.

  1. Bias Goose: PancakeSwap Gallery at Home

2. Wensly Moonsworth Hodlton: 16-bit PancakeSquad Bunnies

3. DingoDixie: Amazing Squad Animation

4. Stanley: The Gathering of the Robot Bunnies


And what is a community roundup without me talking about myself?

I don’t want to keep you too much longer but, sadly, I have to inform you that the angry Spoony that we have known and loved for approximately 45 days–the one whose coin could never stop growing–has moved on to a different owner. Thankfully, the new owner will keep him safe and sound and treat him well. But with such a surprise… What was I to do? (_mackinac here: It was a surprise because Spoony accidentally sold him. I even held a spoon-light vigil for this madman.)

Lost and confused, desperate and bunny-less, worried about being abandoned by my new friends because of my failure to delist my PancakeSquad bunny, I wandered aimlessly through Twitter. In my time of need, it was the last person you would think that came to my rescue: my worst enemy, @T-Skribbles. From the dark recesses of her deranged mind, Spoony was born again from the fragments of 100 bunnies as… FRANKENSPOON!

Frankenspoon was only around for a day or two but will forever remain in my heart–right next to angry Spoony. Anyways… Enough about me! (See? It wasn’t that long!)

Ta Ta for Now

Thanks for reading the second community roundup! Again, if you see anything cool in the PancakeSwap community, do not hesitate to send it my way on Twitter @NftSpoony so I can include it in roundup #3!

Stay safe and have a Spoony New Year!

❤ Spoony (& Mackinac)

