PancakeSwap August Recap

Published in
6 min readSep 2, 2021

We’re almost one year old! That means it’s September, and time for our monthly update!

Data Recap: August 2021


  • Total Volume: $23.744B
  • Average Daily Volume: $766M
  • Unique traders: 2.57M (+29.8% MoM)
  • Unique onsite users: 9.94M (+13.9% MoM)
  • 10 CAKE staker reward pools (syrup + boost)
  • $6M in Syrup Pool rewards
  • BNB won in prediction: 661,875 / $264,544,324
  • Total volume of positions placed: 25,458 BNB / $10,175,289


  • Total burned: 29,051,048 CAKE ($620M)
  • Bought back from the market to burn: $15.3M
  • Total CAKE Emission Rate: 15/block
  • # of holders: 651,430 (+22%)

🍽✅ Served in August 2021

Largest CAKE Emissions Reduction Ever

On August 12th, the community voted to reduce CAKE block emissions from 19 per block to just 15 per block: a massive 44% reduction.

This emissions reduction is the largest ever, and it’s so big we did it in stages to prevent a sudden drop in farm APR. The distribution of CAKE rewards is now:

  • New total emissions = 15 CAKE per block
  • 5 CAKE per block go to yield farms and the lottery injections
  • 10 CAKE per block to Syrup Pools

Just a reminder: at the start of PancakeSwap almost one year ago, CAKE emissions were 40 per block!

Prediction V0.2 & Leaderboard

PancakeSwap Prediction V0.2 is now live! Major updates in this release include:

  • Price now updates approximately every 20 seconds
  • Fixed major bug where if you bet at the end there was a chance your bet would be placed on the next round
  • Bet history is now not dependent on the subgraph, so you can claim prizes even if there is delay in the subgraph
  • Save on fees by claiming multiple prizes in a single transaction.

And what’s this? Click the 🏆 icon in the top right to view the brand-new Prediction leaderboard.

🏆 Net winnings
🏆 Total BNB
🏆 Rounds played
🏆 Win rate

How do you stack up against the competition?

Community Farm Auctions

We’ve burned a total of 83,510 CAKE so far since the first community farm auction launched in August.

A total of 30 projects joined the auctions to bid for a coveted PancakeSwap farm pair, with 10 winners in total

Farm Auctions give projects a way to incentivize liquidity provision for your token’s pairs.

If you’re a project looking to run a Farm, apply via the PancakeSwap Farm application form.

Global Settings: Default Transaction Speed

Tap the settings wheel icon in the top menu to access global settings. You can now set your default transaction speed site-wide:
This adjusts the gas price for your transactions. Higher GWEI = higher speed = higher fees.

Info Site Integration

This one’s fresh out of the kitchen today (OK, technically it’s September):

PancakeSwap Info is now fully integrated into the main domain.

This means you stay connected during your time on the Info site. For now, you might not notice a big difference, but this was a large task that lays the groundwork for more integration of token and LP info throughout the site.


We were only meant to pick three winners, but there were just too many to choose from… so we picked eleven 🐰👉👈

There were too many incredible applications to share in this blog post, so check out the #MyPancakeSwap results thread on Twitter to see the other amazing winners and entrants!

Native Integration in CoinMarketCap

PancakeSwap is now used for any swaps carried out directly on CoinMarketCap! Trade any BEP-20 token on PancakeSwap directly from the CMC interface by hitting the “Swap” button in the bottom-right of your screen.
Learn more here

Lottery: NFT Drop & Prize Adjustment

Just like the Syrup Soak (CAKE Auto Pool) and Claire (Prediction) NFTs before them, this month we dropped a set of 3 cute NFTs to early adopters of the new Lottery system. Eligible wallets could head to the Collectibles page to claim their NFTs.

What’s more, there’s been an adjustment to the reward distribution: the amount you’ll win if your lottery tickets match the first number is now DOUBLE!

2% of the total prize pool now goes to holders of tickets that match the first winning digit only.
What are you waiting for? Try your luck in the PancakeSwap Lottery!

ROI Calculator

Want to know what APR means in real terms? Tap the calculator icon next to the APR or APY on any farm or Syrup Pool to open a brand-new ROI calculator. All projections for ROI are based on current rates, and will fluctuate based on the token price, liquidity, and other factors.

👩‍🍳🕔 Still Cooking (Coming Soon)

NFT Market & New NFT Collection

This is the big one.

We recommend you read our previous post about the upcoming Pancakeswap NFT Market for details, but here’s the elevator pitch:

  • In the initial launch, you can only buy and sell PancakeSwap NFTs
  • Trade in BNB/WBNB
  • Fees are used to buy back and burn CAKE
  • All-new generative NFT collection from Chef Cecy

More Fun

As usual, we won’t be giving strict timelines for these tasks, but here’s a teaser of tasks that are in the works:

  • Performance Improvements: Code maintenance and performance updates to prepare for more scaling
  • Simple Liquidity (Zap): Making it easier to add liquidity with different combinations of tokens
  • Portfolio & Dashboard pages: Your assets on PancakeSwap, at a glance
  • Navigation Rework: A big update for mobile users, making it much quicker and easier to get where you want to go on-site, while you’re on the go.
  • Community Forum

What does all this work in the kitchen look like?

See for yourself!

Check out the development that’s been happening this month on the PancakeSwap Github with 👉 this sweet visualisation video! 👈

Still hungry?

Is there anything else you’d like to see?

Let us know on Twitter, in our Telegram group, or over in our growing Reddit community!

Stack ‘em!

Bugsie 🐌🐰🥞

