PancakeSwap Launches $150,000 Info Site Bounty

Published in
3 min readApr 14, 2021

PancakeSwap has been growing exponentially over the last few months; and has now reached over 35k pairs offered by the Factory smart contract and around 800,000 tx’s per day on the Router smart contract. With the low block time of the Binance Smart Chain (3 seconds) and fast-growing user base, we are looking for a tool/product/solution offering the most up-to-date data to build an analytics dashboard for PancakeSwap’s users.

How to participate

In order to participate, please read our minimum requirements (listed below). Once you have a grasp of the issue, then you’re welcome to get started right away!

Once complete, make sure to send your submission to us through this Google Form.

If you would like to chat with the PancakeSwap team to gain clarification on any points, please join our telegram group.

Where do I send my submission?

Please submit all information to our google form before the 15th of May 2021

Reward — $150,000 in CAKE

PancakeSwap will provide a reward of $150,000 in CAKE to the individual or team who are able to deliver within the specified timeframe and be successfully implemented upon request. We are looking for the most efficient, effective, scalable and forward-thinking solution.


The $150,000 bounty will be distributed upon successful implementation of the submission that solves all of our aforementioned issues.

This means if you deliver a product that fits all of the requirements, but is not the final implemented solution, you/your team will not receive the bounty.

In case of argument, PancakeSwap retains the right to make final decisions in all areas concerned under the scope of the bounty.

Minimum Requirements

  • Your solution must offer one or multiple endpoints (GraphQL is preferred) providing the data listed below.
  • Your solution must offer the ability to fetch previous data at a specific block/timestamp.
  • Your solution must provide BNB and USD equivalent values (for fields such as price, volume, liquidity, …); but support for multiple currencies (EUR, GBP, …) is preferred.
  • Your solution must be able to handle at least ~50M queries per day.

Minimum Data required:

- Ecosystem:

  • Total of pairs
  • Total of tokens
  • Total of transactions
  • Total volume
  • Total liquidity

- Tokens:

  • Name
  • Symbol
  • Decimals
  • Total Supply
  • Price
  • Volume
  • Transaction count
  • List of pairs including the token as base or quote
  • Liquidity across all pairs including the token as base or quote

- Pairs:

  • Address
  • Base token
  • Quote Token
  • Total Supply
  • Price (as of quote / base)
  • LP’s token price
  • Reserves (base & quote)
  • Volume (base & quote + multiple currencies support at outlined in minimum requirements)
  • Transaction count
  • Block number
  • Timestamp
  • List of all Swap, Mint, Burn events

- Transactions:

  • Hash
  • Block
  • Timestamp
  • List of all Swap events
  • List of all Mint events
  • List of all Burn events

Additional information:

  • Factory: 0xBCfCcbde45cE874adCB698cC183deBcF17952812
  • Router: 0x05fF2B0DB69458A0750badebc4f9e13aDd608C7F

Additional requests

We will give preference over solutions that include this data without sacrificing performance

User-related data:

  • User LP’s positions
  • Fees earned (all pairs)
  • Fees paid (all Swap)
  • LP’s staked in farms
  • List of user transactions (including Swap, Mint, Burn)
  • Total value swapped

