PancakeSwap x Aptos — Deploying a fully-featured PancakeSwap and the CAKE token on the next-gen blockchain! Calling out to all Aptos builders and projects!

Chef Fran
Published in
3 min readOct 24, 2022

Dear PancakeSwap community and CAKE holders, we’re excited today to announce the community’s strong support to deploy PancakeSwap and native CAKE token to Aptos. PancakeSwap has and will continue to work closely with the Aptos team on this deployment across tech, community and ecosystem.

Why Aptos?

Aptos is a new Move-based blockchain which is based on a novel approach to blockchain design and already has over 200 projects building on it. PancakeSwap sees an incredible opportunity to join an ecosystem with so many builders and to work together with many projects through our recognized products such as Swap, Farm, Pools and IFO.

What will we do after this unique Aptos deployment?

Aptos is the first blockchain which PancakeSwap will be fully integrated with. PancakeSwap will be deploying its CAKE token natively on Aptos along with its key products, making the CAKE token truly multichain for the first time. Native CAKE on Aptos will power all the features that we are bringing over. Additionally, Aptos and PancakeSwap users and projects will be able to enjoy all the core beloved products of PancakeSwap such as Swap, Farm, Pools and IFO.

The Aptos deployment also marks the first time that PancakeSwap has worked closely with a blockchain team to deploy on a blockchain.

What Aptos projects are PancakeSwap looking to BUIDL together with?

PancakeSwap is a beloved protocol serving one of the largest communities within the crypto space. We would love to work with strong projects and builders who share the same passion as us and our community, and are looking to launch their tokens on a strong platform. To projects — there are many ways to reach us, so do reach out to any friendly Chef so we can get to know your project better!

How can Aptos projects benefit from working with PancakeSwap?

There is no doubt that this will be a win-win situation for all parties involved. PancakeSwap has one of the largest and most dedicated communities in crypto, which has been behind the launch of many successful projects. PancakeSwap also has a strong history of helping projects launch their token through our IFOs and Pools product, as well as maintaining a strong level of liquidity. We will be setting up APT liquidity pools and we believe that PancakeSwap will provide better liquidity for new Aptos projects working with us.

What are the deployment timelines?

Due to our collaboration with the Aptos team, Chefs have made very quick progress in deploying our existing features onto Aptos. We expect to push out all the 4 key products no later than the end of November, and we look forward to partnering with all the best projects on Aptos and to introduce them to the PancakeSwap community.

As the chain is very new, we are also consistently talking with partners who are coming onto Aptos and working with them to integrate different features which power the products that the community is used to on BNB Chain. As there are many moving parts and partner timelines can vary, we seek the community’s patience as we try to recreate the smooth experience you are all used to.

Will there be a change in CAKE tokenomics?

As previously voted on, Chefs will be redirecting some Syrup Pool emissions to set up farms on the Aptos chain. As there will be lots that will be happening on the Aptos chain, Chefs will be nimble and try to adapt emissions quickly before coming back to the community to vote. However, CAKE supply remains capped at 750M as stated in the v2 tokenomics paper, that will not change. The key change will be how CAKE emissions are distributed between the two chains, and as always Chefs will be managing emissions in a way that helps burn more CAKE!

Stack ’em

The Chefs 🐰🥞

