Christmas Shopping- Level 2017

Panda Rose
Panda Rose
Published in
4 min readDec 4, 2017

Christmas shopping in the movies paints us a picture of the “holiday hustle and bustle”. People waiting outside of toy stores early in the morning so they can grab the holiday toy of the year for their children. Standing in lines that go all the way down the street. People running around with their arms full of pre-wrapped gifts and over sized bags. Then they probably fall, dropping all of their packages, then they get help from a handsome stranger, most likely fall in love instantly and end up living happily ever after.

This isn’t exactly a reality and not just the sappy love story part. Thanks for the high standards Hallmark.

I myself have never ran around town last minute with arms full of gifts and this is not because I have no friends to buy for, it’s thanks to the Internet!

Between time and money and all the ways that you can save, online shopping is a game changer.

Online holiday shopping means you don’t have to drive to multiple stores or spend all your time grazing the aisles looking for products they may or may not have in stock. You don’t have to wait in line and you don’t have to drive all the way home again. Plus, no money spent on gas.

Watching holiday classics, eating holiday food, drinking holiday drinks, wearing comfy holiday clothing, surrounded by holiday decorations all while sitting comfortably at home and holiday shopping at the same time is a reality! And it is awesome.

How could we ever go back?

My mom went on a quick shopping trip for Christmas presents the other day even though she is a loyal Amazon customer. She explained to me that it felt like a waste of her time. One of the reasons she loves online shopping is because she can find the best deals offered by all the best brands. She can easily move from site to site looking for the best reviews and deals. No point in making a trip on icy roads to town in hopes of finding all the items on your shopping lists.

Going to the literal stores means she just has to hope that the few stores on her route have all that she planned to purchase currently in stock and that the price is the lowest she could get.

Instead of hoping, she would much rather know.

Even wish lists can be made online now. I made one this year using Pinterest. I filled a dedicated board with pins of all the things I could materialistically want from my family this Christmas season. I pinned beautiful pictures of new hiking backpacks, ballcaps, iPad cases and of course pictures of chocolate. (Incase anyone was wondering.😉) I let my family know how to find it anytime they ask what I want for Christmas. It’s the perfect system.

This way I can show people the exact brands and styles of the products I wish for through pictures! Whenever I see something I like on my Pinterest feed I can just add it to the list. This is opposed to forgetting what I saw and loved, wishing I had taken note for future reference- A concern of the past!😊

My sisters and mother made wish list boards on Pinterest as well. Making it easy to find what they each want. In some cases you can even click on the picture to be brought to the website and purchase the exact product instantly.

There are apps like or Wishlistr that were created to allow consumers to surf the Internet, take note of things they would like and then share that list with their loved ones.

We just need to get everyone onboard. To get our friends and family to all make online wish lists of their own. Christmas shopping could be a breeze! Just look up their name and shop away.

Of course life is never simple and I do have one fairly major concern, I believe there is great value in shopping locally. My father is a local business man as well as my employer, Panda Rose. There are many great reasons to keep our money in our closer economic circles. Supporting local business literally feeds our community. That is definitely worth waiting in line for.

Now I must also admit, I love the Christmas decorations that are put up by malls and shops. It’s just one of those traditions I am fond of. A website that took the time to add Christmasy looking features and images are not quite the same as giant trees, thousands of colourful lights and hanging ornaments the size of beach balls.

Are you an Amazon loyalist or do prefer the authenticity that comes with shopping local? Let me know.

Cheers to you and yours as we have stepped into the hustle and bustle of the holiday season.

Tess Houcher

