Welcome to Pandemic Boredom

Andrew Karcher
Pandemic Boredom
Published in
2 min readMar 24, 2020

A hopefully temporary thing for me to do

I thought my personal blogging days were over. For anyone that’s ever written, they know that writing actually sucks. And writing for free? Pass.

I had my own site that I maintained for about a year but haven’t looked at in eight years — I’m honestly afraid of the caliber of takes that exist and I’ve been meaning to send that blog to Blog Hell. I then wrote about the Los Angeles Angels for about four years for a couple different sites. That ended when the site manager left and there was nobody willing enough to take over.

So other than a handful of things I’ve basically written nothing in the last four years. I thought I would miss it, especially the Angels thing, but that hasn’t been true. Writing takes a lot of work and motivation anyway, let alone if you’re writing for free and have little audience to speak of. I was content knowing that I likely had written my last article.

Then the coronavirus hit and I was furloughed from my job. It’s estimated that I’ll be able to go back to work in a month, but if you’ve been paying attention to the Trump administration’s response to this crises as well as the situation in Italy, you know that’s probably an optimistic timeline. It could be *months* until I’m working again. Don’t shed any tears for me, though. I’m lucky enough to have a spouse that is able to work remotely and bring home good money. We’ll be fine, much luckier than a lot of people whose livelihoods are getting killed by this pandemic.

BUT I will need things to do in the meantime so I don’t bother my wife while she’s working in the office. My dog is finally going to get daily walks and I can try some new recipes assuming I can find one onion in the grocery store, but the majority of my quarantine time will likely be spent watching a shitload of movies. Anticipating a furlough, I started making a list of movies to watch a couple weeks ago.

And to help exercise my brain, I’m starting this blog to write about the movies I watch. I have no idea yet what those posts will be like. Maybe I’ll quit the project entirely after I write this intro! Who knows? I plan on resuming my blissful life of non-paid non-writing when I start working again or, simply, if I get tired of doing this. But for the time being, if you want to see someone descend into Jack Torrance levels of stir-craziness, this is the place to be.

Oh and if you’re reading this, one more thing: stay the fuck at home.



Andrew Karcher
Pandemic Boredom

There’s too many things to watch. Sometimes I write about those things.