Suffering — Pandemic Proof Body

Ryan D. Breitenbach
Pandemic Proof Body
2 min readAug 22, 2020

No one should ever discount the power of suffering.
Why would I ever say there’s something good about suffering? Well, for one thing, we all go through it. Every last one of us. If we don’t experience some type of suffering, how do we know what we’re made of? Suffering shows our humanity and need for a Savior. Suffering, at its core, shows that we are communal people, in need of relationships, even if those relationships could bring us suffering someday. Just because love brings suffering, particularly with death, is that a reason never to love? Of course not.
While here on earth, however, among the living, we must do all we can do to alleviate suffering in others. While their suffering can still bring grace to themselves and to their loved ones, suffering is still a part of fallen humanity. We can do all that is possible to help others either avoid unnecessary suffering or reduce its effects once suffering comes.

As my Dad suffers tremendously from sickness, I have witnessed so many powerful graces come into our lives. We are more compassionate for others who may be suffering in a similar way to my Dad’s. We are more patient with faults of others. We are more aware that suffering is unavoidable, and therefore, to expect it and to “offer it up” as a sacrifice. We understand the Lord’s suffering and those around him in his Passion (non-Christians, you see examples of courageous suffering for others throughout history, too). Suffering, especially in later years, is just a part of life.
At the end of one’s life, though, we want to look back and say that we helped those who suffer. Part of the mission of Pandemic Proof Body is to help those who suffer from debilitating effects of chronic disease, like diabetes, or to reverse the progression. Or, hopefully to play a part in educating and providing encouragement to avoid acquiring the diseases in the first place. That is a goal we can all have when it comes to suffering. We can all try to avoid preventable suffering at the hands of diseases that stem in large part from one’s lifestyle and diet.

A worthy and loving goal if you ask me.

Originally published at on August 22, 2020.



Ryan D. Breitenbach
Pandemic Proof Body

Founder, Pandemic Proof Body: Dad of Six Wild Kiddos, Husband to Super Mom, Fighting for the World’s Health