Strange Times

Cedric Rose
Dear Pandemic Diary
2 min readJul 27, 2020

by Grace Dobush

After almost a decade in Cincinnati, Merc member emeritus, Freelance writer, and “semi-retired international catsitter” Grace Dobush moved to Berlin where she has lived for over three years. She created The Strange Times as a birthday newsletter because “In late March, we were already on lockdown here in Germany,” she says. “I had a lot of free time and have InDesign, so I drew on the years I worked as a newspaper copy editor and designer and went for it.” Friends responded positively, she says, so she “shared it a bit more, because everybody loves getting mail. Now, with a global circulation of 75 I am basically breaking even on my printing and postage costs from donations.” Apropos of nothing, here’s the second issue. Hopefully she will let us post more.



Cedric Rose
Dear Pandemic Diary

trying to make sense out of this mess since the year India conducted its first atomic test.