Persevering Through the Inspiration Drought

Eric Callegari
Published in
4 min readMar 21, 2021

By Eric Callegari

Dark times have slowed cultural advancement throughout history. The recent pandemic is no different. With conferences canceled, businesses shutting down and an invisible virus forcing people into quarantine, it feels like the world has been stripped of all the qualities that made it so great.

The most prosperous “reefs” of innovation (per Johnson’s definition of an innovation cluster) in the world are hollow shells of what they had formally been, with the pandemic restricting the flow of inspiration and influence.

Times Square. Image by Eric Callegari

The term “reef” comes from one of the main ideas presented found in Steven Johnson’s Where Good Ideas Come From. It refers to the concept of a diversely populated area, flowing with different forms of influence and inspiration. It is an environment in which ideas thrive and can be very well developed.

A coral reef is a prime example of one of these kinds of areas. With so many separate and unique life forms coming together into a concise area, the coral reef is a diverse environment flowing with influence. Another example of a reef would be New York City. With three international airports, an immense population consisting many different people, massive skyscrapers with bright lights, and a ridiculous amount of stores and restaurants, New York City is one of the most inspirational places in the world, just overflowing with influence.

Until March of 2020, that is, when the COVID-19 pandemic forced everyone into hiding. During the first months of the quarantine, New York City seemed like an empty ghost town.

The Importance of Failure, and Perseverance

Although several valuable concepts in Johnson’s book, the chapters “Reef” and “Error” contain crucial information for creating thorough, well-balanced ideas and developing these ideas into successful innovations.

With the idea of a reef being a diverse area where many different forms of inspiration come together, it is the ideal environment for developing ideas. Reefs can lead to a more creative and open state of mind of which results in thorough and developed ideas.

The chapter “Error” addresses a topic that everyone is bound to face throughout their life. What makes this chapter so crucial is Johnson’s way of showing the benefits and the proper response to failure and setbacks. Rather than seeing failure as a reason to stop and give up, take failure as a learning lesson and use it to benefit.

The most successful people all failed or faced an obstacle multiple times throughout their journey. But instead of letting it dictate their future, they were able to learn, adapt and come back stronger. Creators and innovators cannot see failure as the end of the road, but rather just another opportunity for them to educate themselves and become closer to achieving their goals.

Failure oftentimes is more beneficial than it is disruptive. It can present the missing piece or idea that was needed for success. It can provide answers as to why something is not working out. It challenges individuals to think in ways they have not before and reach new levels of innovation. Failure happens before success, and it is the people that use it to their benefit that succeed in the world.

An Example of Perseverance: The Film Industry

The pandemic gave the film industry tremendous difficulties on many levels. Not only was the paying audience taken away from physically attending theaters, but many of the films set to release during the year 2020 had been pushed back or canceled.

Image by TheJakartaPost

However, through innovation and perseverance, ideas began flowing again and production on a new film was in the works.

Raya and the Last Dragon is a Disney movie that was released on March 5th, 2021 and was completely written, developed, and animated online over Zoom, being the first film to ever achieve anything like this.

Something once thought to be impossible had now been done by one of the most creative, innovative, and dedicated production teams ever. It serves as an example of how to respond to hardships, and new possibilities.

Zoom acts like a reef, connecting different people into a concise area where they can converse and gather influence. It can step in to bring together a diverse, creative environment and a flow of inspiration.

A Forever Changed Future

The pandemic had changed the world in ways never seen before. It forced individuals to find new ways to complete tasks that were once much simpler. Creators had to find new ways to connect and gain inspiration. Society was faced with one of the most mentally challenging times, forcing individuals to dig deep into their minds and find new ways to innovate.

New reefs formed and ideas flowed again. The world is still far from what it used to be, but everyday society may be stronger and better adapted to face future hardships. Already we’re seeing signs of life — businesses are beginning to open up again and people are starting to venture onto the streets. Reefs have certainly been damaged, but they’re not dead yet; and in some ways, the may be improved.

