Aragon Black Blog

Pando Network
Published in
2 min readMay 9, 2019

At the end of April 2019, Pando Network has become Aragon Black , the third full-team of the Aragon project taking part in its fight for freedom and full decentralization. Aragon Black is the banner below which the Pando team has gathered to continue developing a decentralized VCS enabling coordination and the rise of new collaborative projects, to carry the Aragon manifesto’s values and finally to help in creating Aragon applications allowing human autonomy. The Aragon Black Team has specific development objectives, including developing Apiary or improving APM, but also generating reflection and debate around blockchain, DAO or Aragon.

That’s why we’re launching the Aragon Black Blog. Because we want to carry the core values of the Aragon Manifesto. Because we want to clarify some ideas and problematize others. Because we also want to reflect on the intellectual, social and political significance of blockchain and decentralization. And of course, because we want to meet you.

The main purpose of our blog is not to present our team or our project. Every month will be published the Black Monthly: a collection of texts, analyses, interviews, meetings around a specific theme. The goal? Reflect on what we do, at the crossroads of the blockchain and the world. Aragon Black Blog will be planning the publication of six official articles, one at the beginning of each month to the end of the first Flock round — first, as an introduction Aragon Manifesto and white papers (9 may), A brief history of decentralization (11 june), Anonymity and transparency (9 july), Reappropriation of Commons (6 august), Bringing back autonomy and collaboration in human work (10 september), and finally, Blockchain and ecology (8 october).

In parallel, two other sections will complete this main task : Miscellaneous and Book Reviews. As we say, we are looking to bring the blockchain to other theoretical playgrounds such as philosophy, literature or political science. In particular, Book Reviews would like to be a way of linking these worlds and a call to encounter, to translate and to criticize. With this blog, we will focus on creating community, communicating and responding. That is why we hope to exchange, create links, share ideas or controversies — fight for freedom.

