How to make the most of your Artist Audio Messages

Pandora AMP
Pandora AMP
2 min readJun 12, 2018


Artist Audio Messaging is a unique, effective tool available to all artists using AMP, which allows you to speak directly to your fans as they interact with your music. These messages are a great way for you to share specific content and promotions with your fans, as well as provide them with an intimate window into your creative process. Here are some tips and suggestions to help you make the most of Artist Audio Messages:

Be sure to introduce yourself at the beginning of the message

Letting fans know who is speaking at the beginning of the message is a great way to grab their attention and make them excited to hear what you have to say. Introduce yourself as you would in a normal conversation in your own style and voice.

Speak enthusiastically and sincerely

Artist Audio Messages aren’t advertisements. They’re personal, conversational soundbites that showcase your personality as an artist and make your fans feel as though they’re speaking to you one-to-one. Be sure to sound lively and energetic as you record your message — it makes a huge difference!

View messages as a unique opportunity to connect with fans

When else can you give fans insight into your music right as they’re listening to it? Artist Audio Messages are a great opportunity to give an inside look into your creative process or what your songs means to you as you introduce them to listeners on Pandora.

Include call-to-action links

As fans listen to your message, they will be serviced with an image that can include a button with a call-to-action link. Even if your message isn’t encouraging a specific action, don’t let this space go unused! Instead, link to your artist website, social media profile, etc. to increase engagement with your fans. Be sure to tell your fans to “tap the screen,” so they know they can further interact with your message.

Share these messages on your social media platforms

All Artist Audio Messages that are not attached to a specific track come with an artist share URL that allows you to share the message across your social media profiles. Doing this brings more people to your Pandora station which ultimately means more listeners and more royalties!

For more detailed information on how to use the Artist Audio Messaging tool, please see the Artist Audio Messages user guide and product walkthrough videos here.

*This post was originally published on



Pandora AMP
Pandora AMP

Pandora's Artist Marketing Platform helps artists break new music, connect with fans, and make more money.