My Body by Emily Ratajkowski

Makayla Stopper
Pandora Magazine
Published in
4 min readFeb 28, 2022

In Emily Ratajkowski’s debut, she explores the consequences of fame, sexuality, feminism, and men’s claim/treatment of women. Ratajkowski outlines her rise to fame and being stripped of any identity besides her physical appearance. The memoir dives deep into the privilege of being a successful model, and the consequences that also go along with that level of fame and fortune. Having a magnifying glass pinpointed on your body at all times, picking up minor flaws and differences, defiantly mentally harms anyone that is dealing with that type of lifestyle. Emily not only gives her inner thoughts and feelings but also voices problems she has with specific people and the modeling industry as a whole.

Emily Ratajkowski Collage, © Pandora Magazine

If I could rave and rant about My Body for hours, I would. This book perfectly showcases ways in which women are limited by just their bodies from such young ages. While Emily celebrates her body, being subject to such scrutiny over one’s body takes a toll. A topic frequently discussed is how one should portray their body, it seems in real life and the media the way showcase their sexuality and body are always ridiculed. Whether you embrace your body and show it off or are more private and reserved, someone I always going to have an issue with the way you use your body.

While Emily chose to get into modeling, the scrutiny and topic of conversation over one’s body is not something she and others get over easily. Ratajkowski details instances where she felt out of place while going through puberty. While the rest of her classmates were along the same wavelength, Emily’s body was developing differently than her peers. Growing up in adolescence where you are not only being told to cover up and having unwanted attention from older men cannot be easy in the slightest. Growing up is hard enough, but combined with unwanted attention from older men makes it that much more difficult and confusing. We are told as girls from a young age to cover up, show less skin, and not draw too much attention to ourselves for “obvious reasons”. Our bodies are shown to be the problem and shameful rather than those making us feel uncomfortable. Emily Ratajkowski’s debut gives the reader many questions to thinks about regarding our own bodies and who has the right to speak on our physical appearance whenever they please from the time we are born to adulthood.

Ratajkowski not only focuses on the treatment she received from men and the media but also her parent’s relationship, her marriage, and her self-image that felt too relatable for comfort sometimes. Emily oftentimes refers to the relationship with her parents in a more critical light. Her mother is the one who thought Emily would be a perfect model. While taking her to castings and helping her achieve her goals, Emily’s mom often put Ratajkowski on a pedestal for her looks alone and nothing else. This story perfectly gives a first look hand at a parent’s love that can hinder more than it can help. Parents want the best for their children, but when focuses on only physical appearance can make someone almost feel shameful of their body.

Emily also talks about the relationship she has with her husband and the reservations she has had throughout. Emily felt as if she was not enough. Even being praised for her appearance and the way she looks, she still did not feel good about herself a lot of the time. It is easy for these feelings to creep into the most prized relationships in your life. Self-doubt is a horrible thing to overcome especially when you are put on this pedestal you don’t even think you can meet. Self-image can oftentimes be misconstrued as something easily fixable. Having a poor sense of self and lack of confidence isn’t something that can be corrected overnight, rather it’s something that can eat away at you 24/7. Ratajkowski details periods of self-hatred and what it means to be called beautiful by millions, but not feel it in yourself to believe that in the slightest.

I found it be so beautifully written, while also making you absolutely infuriated over the subject matter. This is definitely a book that is worth every bit of hype given. This debut could be a very important addition to someone’s collection and make you continuously think about it long after reading. Emily Ratajkowski tells a story of appreciation and hatred for her body that is sure to resonate with many. This story was able to show the harsh realities of self-image, while still showing ways to appreciate your body and show off any way you please.

Makayla Stopper can be found on Instagram at cherryreads.

