We Are Changing Our Pricing

Travis Nelson
Published in
2 min readJul 29, 2019

First off, if you already have an account on Pandorabots, your plan will not be changed. But, you may want to get some of the benefits from our new pricing plans.

Our new plans are Sandbox, Developer, and Pro. All of our plans include a two week free trial where all of the features and channels available to the Pro plan will be open and available.


Our Sandbox plan will continue to be free and does not require any payment method. This allows you to build and test bots on the Pandorabots platform, as well as deploy into the Pandorabots Directory, where other users can interact with your bot.

Sandbox users have access to all of the documentation and all of the capabilities of AIML. Our resident AIML expert also holds weekly office hours, where he goes over user submitted questions and topics.

This level is great for people curious about building bots and for student projects.


The Developer plan is the first tier for production level chatbots. It includes access to the Pandorabots API as well as a chat widget to embed on your site. You can also launch a standalone landing page to use for internal testing or to have direct access to your bot.

You can also add on 3rd party channel integrations to easily deploy your bot to popular messaging channels like Facebook Messenger and more.

The Developer plan has access to all of the AIML support materials in the Sandbox plan. Additionally, the Developer plan includes email support to work through any bugs or account related issues.

Startups, users with customers concentrated in one or two platforms (e.g. Facebook Messenger), and have lower messaging volumes fit well into the Developer plan.


The Pro plan is built for businesses building their own, high-volume bots. It includes all of our 3rd party channel integrations, so your bots can be deployed across multiple channels, with 100,000 interactions, with no additional costs.

We will also be releasing additional features to our Pro users first, giving them access to the latest in chatbot development technology, as well as chances to give feedback on the platform features.


The Enterprise plan is fully loaded with everything you need to scale your organization’s chatbot strategy, from deeply integrating into backend systems and APIs, to Service Level Agreements and Custom Support Packages.

Pandorabots also offers a suite of services for companies that need help planning, designing, releasing, and maintaining chatbots for their brand, ranging from DIWM (“Do-it-with-me”) to DIFM (“Do-it-for-me”).

By leveraging access to premium pre-built modules, such as the Mitsuku General Conversational AI Module, Enterprises can access turnkey solutions equipped to handle those 20–30% of “off topic” inputs out of the gate.

Check out the full pricing breakdown on the Pandorabots homepage. Start your free Sandbox account today to explore bot building, or bring your business to the next level with the Developer or Pro account.

For more details on the Enterprise Plan, contact us at info@pandorabots.com

