Fetch: Probe

Kevin Moore
Panel & Frame
Published in
2 min readJul 25, 2017
“Fetch: Probe” 7/24/2017

Keeping up with recent events related to the TrumpAdmin’s Russia problems has been difficult lately. I started with a response to Trump’s creepy barely-veiled threat to fire Robert Mueller if he dared to investigate Trump family finances (Mueller went ahead anyway, because “don’t look in the trunk, officer” is never a wise thing to say to a cop), and kept my eye on Sessions to see if he’d quit after Trump insulted him to the NY Times.

But then by the time I got to the fourth panel of this cartoon in my sketchbook, Spicer decided to jump ship due to humiliations in the White House communications department. (No, that isn’t Scaramucci in the first panel, but damn well could be.)

By the time I got to coloring this thing, word came out that Sessions had, in fact (no surprise, really) discussed campaign matters with Sergey Kislyak (who, coincidentally, just decided to retire home to Russia).

Tomorrow I expect Sessions will be found in the trunk of an abandoned car, or resign by the end of the week — or who knows? Maybe he’ll stay on, and Jared and Ivanka will push Don, Jr. out of an airplane. In my mind, the future movie about these events will be directed by Brian DePalma.

