Facilitay Looking to Enter Technology Service Industry

Kristen Mashikian
Published in
3 min readJul 11, 2019

Most of us can sympathize with the difficulties that new technology has ushered in for older generations: teaching your grandmother to use FaceTime for the tenth time, replacing a great aunt’s 1990s Toshiba with a smart TV, or setting up your grandfather’s newest iPhone. These memories show the extent to which original equipment manufacturers focus their products on tech-savvy consumers, leaving older users at the mercy of their friends and family.

A new Providence-based startup is changing that. Facilitay aims to provide senior citizens with an easy, safe, fearless, and seamless white-glove technology concierge service that harnesses all of their technology to work for them. It helps seniors and those who seek to live independently interact with and find support for all of their technology while also overcoming their FOMO (Fear of Missing Out). Facilitay’s services help elders access the quality of life they deserve to live safely and happily at home, long into their retirement years.

Facilitay is an early-stage startup looking to develop an MVP by the end of July. Once the beta is released, they will work to test the viability of their service in local areas and use what they’ve learned to refine their product and go-to-market strategy.

Their biggest challenges lie in acquiring customers. In order to overcome this key challenge, Facilitay is looking to hire for a number of roles:

Brand Designer and Marketing Strategist

Looking for someone to refine their brand, develop a lead generation strategy, and construct an approach to social media. Relevant skills include #Mobile Marketing, #Social Media Marketing, #Advertising, and #Brand Strategy

White-Glove Technology Service

In need of someone who is young and tech-savvy to deliver Facilitay’s services. Relevant skills include #Customer Experience and #Technology Support

Website Optimization

Looking for someone to enhance existing website designs and develop a scheduling feature. Relevant skills include #Web Development, #Web Design, and #Mobile Design.

“I have accomplished something if my customer has a smile on her face.”

— Musa Pam, Founder of Facilitay

New additions to the team need to be happy, energetic team players with a deep passion for helping others. Current members of Facilitay are passionate about using their time, talent and treasures to accomplish the mission and tasks at hand and to help others provide excellent service to their customers, solve problems, and make environmental living conditions and spaces better. Founder Musa Pam echoed these values when he told me, “I have accomplished something of my customer has a smile on her face.”

If you are interested in joining the Facilitay team, check out their jobs and reach out to Musa on the Pangea mobile app!

