Defend the rights of the Venezuelan People

Resist US Imperialist Intervention

Bagong Alyansang Makabayan - National
2 min readFeb 18, 2019


Bagong Alyansang Makabayan calls on the Filipino people to condemn the underhanded tactics of the US government under Trump in manipulating the political climate, supporting the attempts of US-backed anti-Maduro elite at coup d’etat and artificially creating strife and chaos in Venezuela.

As it has done during the time of late Venezuelan President Hugo Chavez, the US is fomenting international public opinion to believe in the necessity of a US-engineered “regime change”, and for foreign intervention in Venezuela. The US has consistently tried to impose economic sanctions on Venezuala, freeze assets of Venezuelans abroad, as well as create economic crisis, along with attempting military intervention. Last year, the US tried to assassinate the current President Nicolas Maduro by using drones while he was in a public event, but he was protected by the Venezuelan army.

Why is the US hell-bent on controlling Venezuela?

The Venezuelan people have consistently rejected US Imperialism and its attempts to conquer Venezuela. The nationalization of the country’s oil industry, whose oil reserves are higher than Saudi Arabia, has been a jagged thorn for US monopoly capitalists. Venezuela has been showing its neighbors in Latin America how to assert its sovereignty in the face of US imperialism’s vile propaganda against its leaders, with connivance by the Organization of American States. This week, Venezuela has declared that it is cutting diplomatic ties with the US because of US intervention in its internal affairs.

BAYAN Chairperson, Carol Araullo said, “We declare our solidarity with the people of Venezuela and support for the duly elected President, Nicolas Maduro.”

“Further, we denounce US President Trump’s meddling in Venezuelan affairs and declaration of support for opposition leader Juan Guaidó as a bogus ‘interim president’. We salute the people and army of Venezuela who have steadfastly and courageously stood by their leaders and fought US and the oligarch-backed opposition who have committed terrorist violence against Venezuelan citizens.”

BAYAN calls on the Venezuelan people to resist all attempts to manipulate them against their true sovereign interests, to fight for their country’s right to determine its future, and continue to struggle against the claws of US imperialism.

Long Live the people of Venezuela!
Fight US Intervention!
Support the Legitimate Government of President Maduro!

Press Statement
January 25, 2018
Ref: Carol P Araullo, Chairperson, BAYAN

(images grabbed from:



Bagong Alyansang Makabayan - National

BAYAN is an alliance of organizations committed to the Filipino people's struggle for national liberation and democracy.