Global Changemakers

PanJZ 🇹🇼 for 2021WFL
2 min readNov 25, 2020

Spotlight 👉 GCM Mentorship Programme

To support youth to create positive change towards more inclusive, fair and sustainable communities.
We do this by providing skills development, capacity building, mentoring and grants.

About the Global Changemakers

Global Changemakers is an international youth organization with headquarters in Zurich, Switzerland. Their mission is to empower youth to catalyze positive social change in their local communities through skills development and capacity building, creating access to opportunities, networking, and providing grant funding to youth-led community projects.


GCM offers regular online training sessions, free downloadable online resources, a 12-week virtual Mentorship Programme for budding young changemakers, our podcast, our blog, and our brand new online school! Through Changemakers School we train young people in the skills they need to create a positive impact and create effective solutions to problems that affect them in their community, we then provide grant funding for them to execute their projects.

  • Skills development
  • Access to grant funding
  • Mentorship
  • Exposure and Opportunities
  • Creating an international network

Author Reflection

2020年筆者榮幸加入GCM Mentorship Programme的大家庭。在為期十二週的遠端線上訓練當中,我認為Global Changemakers的確帶給了我超乎預期的回饋。不僅僅是在過程當中將mentor跟mentee的關係成功打造為相互學習的關係,更是在一步步過課程旅程中從「認識自己心之所向」到「成功啟動一個社會影響項目」。更別提在過程之中Global Changemakers持續提供的資源與為mentee們之間所建立的networking橋樑。

當然不僅於此,Global Changemakers實在提供了完整、多元且豐富的資源,適合各種不同年齡與風格的人吸收他們所欲傳達給人的知識。Podcast、文章、線上演講與會議等等,都是筆者認為相當有價值卻又在免費下提供給所有人的資源。

[1]: Most of the information in this article is collected and organized from Wikipedia and the official website.
*Author highly recommends you to see them for getting the most precise and up-to-date information.

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PanJZ 🇹🇼 for 2021WFL

Current student with boundless enthusiasm for life 🏃