World Literacy Foundation

PanJZ 🇹🇼 for 2021WFL
2 min readOct 21, 2020

Spotlight 👉 WLF Ambassador Program

We envision a world in which every one of us can read and write, in which there is free access to education for all.

We strive to ensure that every young individual regardless of geographic location has the opportunity to acquire literacy skills to reach their full potential, succeed at school and beyond.

About the World Literacy Foundation

The World Literacy Foundation (WLF) is a global not-for-profit that works to lift young people out of poverty through literacy. Founded in Melbourne, Australia in 2003, the World Literacy Foundation operates on the principle that education is a basic human right. It aims to eradicate global illiteracy through the promotion of literacy and the provision of educational resources.


  • We provide books and educational resources, so the children can discover the joy of reading.
  • We provide tutoring and literacy support to disadvantaged children who are struggling to read.
  • We gather literacy and educational leaders and organizations around the world to share ideas and collaborate within the sector.
  • We bring together innovative technology, e-books, games, and locally-curated content to advance the learning of children in remote communities in their mother tongue and English.
  • We are a global voice to spread and promote the importance of literacy, we empower people to advocate in their local community for this cause.

Author Reflection

筆者非常地幸運能加入2020 WLF Ambassador Program,而這也是當初起心動念成立這個網誌的原因之一。能夠成為來自全世界各地眾多代表所篩選出來代表台灣,雀躍想當然而是無法言喻的。

對筆者來說,會將聚光燈聚焦在「WLF Ambassador Program」上,是因為這的確能夠讓參與者成為網絡當中的一份子,並認識許多同樣為Literacy期望付出己身能力改善的人。


[1]: Most of the information in this article is collected and organized from Wikipedia and the official website.
*Author highly recommends you to see them for getting the most precise and up-to-date information.

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PanJZ 🇹🇼 for 2021WFL

Current student with boundless enthusiasm for life 🏃