Handshakes are silent, but hash rates on the HNS protocol just made some noise.

Published in
9 min readJul 13, 2020


The past month saw hash rates on the Handshake protocol more than 16x.

July 13th, 2020 | A look into the Handshake Protocol and its recent run up in hashrates.

Elbow bumps replacing the handshake?


Let’s not confuse Handshake with A handshake, which seems to be the antiquated physical way of politely grabbing another person’s hands in a firm-like grip, through quick up and down motions to signal a greeting or an agreement. In some instances, that handshake might be awkwardly prolongated, evoking images of Trump’s notorious handshakes which are well documented on many social media platforms. In the case of an SSL/TSL handshake, such an elongated exchange might prompt a failed connection leading to a 404. Or if a corrupted certificate is exchanged due to a Man-in-the-middle (MITM) attack, a host of other headaches would come along leading to a different view on what a handshake actually traditionally exchanges besides the supposedly innocuous agreement of acknowledgment (or in worst cases, COVID!!!).

In comes Handshake

For a project that has basically been “quiet” compared to other blockchain protocols working in a anonymous-like fashion, the Handshake protocol has crept up in an apace way the past month by seeing its mining hash rate…



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