Q&A for Pantos PAN trading (buy and sell) on Bitpanda

Published in
3 min readJul 20, 2018

Thank you all for your great support and interest in Pantos. PAN is now tradeable (buy and sell) on Bitpanda.com. The full ERC20 support will follow about one month later.

We noticed that you had a couple of additional questions on Telegram, Twitter and other social channels. We constantly collect your feedback and gratefully take note of your valuable input. In this post we will answer questions, which came up after our PAN trading announcement.

What was the starting price of PAN on Bitpanda?

PAN started at 1 Cent (EUR)on Bitpanda, which was the approximate price per Token at the end of the ICO. Now it moves freely depending on supply and demand.

How is the price for PAN calculated on Bitpanda? How is the market making working?

Bitpanda, which is a separate entity to Pantos, is doing the market making for the PAN token to start with. As Bitpanda always does, but this time it is actually putting its own algorithm into play and offers bids and asks simultaneously. The price is calculated by supply and demand, with Bitpanda providing bids and asks on its own books for Pantos. During this initial phase, the price is only depending on supply and demand and Bitpanda will act as a middleman in between.

What about transparency in this initial phase in terms of the pricing system?

Bitpanda publishes the full price history and shows real time prices. In terms of price discovery, it is like a blackbox for users, but as Bitpanda needs to balance its books, it can’t manipulate anything. Additionally, it is not in Bitpanda’s interest to manipulate the price. Bitpanda offers buy and sell simultaneously. So if users feel the price is too low, they buy. If they feel the price is too high, they sell.

In general: You are free to just wait until this initial direct buy and sell option has ended and a full ERC20 wallet has been implemented on Bitpanda. As soon as PAN is listed on exchanges, you will be able to trade it on such.

When can I withdraw and deposit PAN?

Around one month after the trading integration, you will be able to withdraw or deposit PAN to any ERC20 compatible wallet.

What happens when an exchange lists PAN?

As soon as a good liquid exchange lists PAN (after ERC20 withdrawal has been enabled), the price will be the same as on the exchange, simply because of arbitrage.

What happens to the 590 million PAN the team has in this first phase? Will you sell your PAN?

No. The team can’t even sell its PAN tokens during this phase, as they haven’t been distributed yet.

When can we expect the second Technical White Paper because the first one came was ready earlier than expected?

The second Technical White Paper is on schedule and will be ready end of August 2018. Additionaly our research team is finalising a scientific paper, which will present Pull-Based Cross-Chain Token Transfers (PXTT). This paper will be submitted to the Ledger journal within the next weeks. You can find more details on the research aspect of Pantos in this post. Going forward we will provide you with updates each month and a big one per quarter.

Update: We published the second Technical White Paper on August 30th 2018 and submitted a paper describing the PXTT protocol — our first concrete protocol for cross-chain token transfers — to the Ledger journal. You can find details in this post.

About Pantos

As the first multi-blockchain token system, Pantos aims to bring blockchain projects closer together, improve communication between developers, researchers and users, and set innovative standards for cross-chain token transfers.

The goal is to serve as a lighthouse project in an increasingly fragmented blockchain space. With multiple blockchains serving all kinds of different purposes, Pantos is seeking to allow these projects to talk to one another in a standardised way. This will speed up innovation by creating a link between blockchains which then can scale together.

To get the latest news on the progress of the Pantos project you can follow our official channels:



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The first multi-blockchain token system. Made with ♥ and care in Vienna by @bitpanda.