Setting Up Pantos Service Node: A Comprehensive Guide (Part 2)

Published in
3 min readJan 29, 2024

Following the insights from Part 1 about the Pantos Service Node’s crucial role and our groundbreaking open-source release, Part 2 is dedicated to guiding you through setting up your own Service Node. Currently, Service Nodes can only be operated in the testnet environment, and this guide will help you navigate the setup process smoothly. You can also have a look at our Pantos Gitbook Docs for a detailed step-by-step tutorial.


Before setting up your Pantos Service Node, ensure that you meet the minimum hardware requirements:

  • CPU: At least a single-core CPU
  • Memory (RAM): A minimum of 2 GB of RAM
  • Storage: At least 8 GB of available storage space

Please note that these are the minimum hardware requirements, and actual hardware needs may vary depending on your specific workload and usage patterns.

You’ll also need a server running a current GNU/Linux distribution. We recommend Debian Stable (currently Debian 12) or Ubuntu LTS (currently Ubuntu 22.04 LTS). Basic familiarity with GNU/Linux, system administration, and networking skills are assumed.

Step 1: Installation Steps

Downloading and Installing the Service Node: Download the Pantos Service Node package from our GitHub repository or install it via docker.

Generating an SSL Certificate for the Domain: Install Certbot (the Let’s Encrypt client) on your server and obtain your SSL certificate using Certbot’s standalone plugin.

Step 2: Generating a Key with Geth

Installing Geth: Install Geth on your server to generate an Ethereum-compatible wallet.

Generate Ethereum Wallet: Generate a new Ethereum account and create a passphrase. Keep it safe as it’s needed for configuration.

Secure the Keystore File: Locate the keystore file created by Geth and move it to the expected location for the Pantos service node. Set appropriate permissions for the keystore file.

Step 3: Configuring your Service Node

  • Review and adapt the Service Node’s configuration file (/etc/pantos-service-node.conf)
  • Configure the bids for transactions in the pantos-offchain-bids.yaml file.
  • Start the Service Node instance after configuring.

Remember: You need at least 100,000 PAN and native coins for each blockchain that you want to serve.

Optional Step: Custom Bid Plugins

  • Service Nodes allow bid plugins for custom fee calculations.
  • Customize the bid plugin according to your specific needs and market strategies.

By following these steps, you can set up your Pantos Service Node and contribute to the Pantos ecosystem.

Step 4: Launch Your Service Node

Starting the Service: Use the provided command to launch your Service Node. This step will initiate the connection to the Pantos testnet and start the processing of transactions.

Monitoring: It’s essential to keep an eye on your Service Node’s performance and monitor its activity. You can use various tools and commands for this purpose.

Step 5: Network Participation

Active Contribution: Your Service Node is now actively participating in the Pantos testnet. This includes processing transactions, participating in the bidding process, and contributing to cross-chain interoperability.

What’s next?

Codebase Audit: The next major step in our roadmap is the comprehensive audit of our entire codebase, ensuring security and reliability as we approach the mainnet launch.

Smart Contract Release: We are also preparing to open source our smart contract codebase, providing further transparency and opportunities for community engagement.

As we move forward, continuous improvement and expansion of the Pantos platform remain our top priorities. We are committed to evolving and adapting to meet the challenges and opportunities of the blockchain landscape.


The Pantos Service Node is more than just a technological innovation; it’s a testament to our dedication to creating a versatile and interconnected blockchain ecosystem. As we advance towards the mainnet launch, the role of Service Node operators and the participation of our community become ever more crucial. Together, we are shaping the future of blockchain interoperability.

If you don’t want to miss any future developments or news, join our community on Telegram and follow us on Twitter!



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