We Need to Do More Than Vote

Cortney Tunis
Pantsuit Nation
Published in
2 min readOct 15, 2018
Photo of volunteer canvassers via Indivisible Flip NC

We have less than 3 weeks until Election Day on November 6th, and we need to do everything we can to turn out as many voters as possible. From flipping the House, to winning key Senate seats, to electing progressive state and local officials, this election absolutely critical in stopping the momentum of the current administration and its damaging policies.

So what can you do? Here is a list of a number of ways that you can get involved. Of course, everyone needs to VOTE. But we can all do even more than that! Here are a few ideas:

  • Throw an Election Day party to help make voting a celebration, not a chore! Check out Vote Together to host or find an event.
  • Volunteer your time! Sign up for a shift on The Last Weekend before Election Day to encourage voters to make it to the polls. So far over 550,000 hours have been committed!
  • Ask your friends and family to vote! Join us on Facebook Messenger and we’ll send you timely voting reminders you can easily forward to your social network on Election Day.
  • The Future Coalition, a network of youth-led organizations, is leading Walkout to Vote, a series of country-wide events calling on young people to take to the polls on November 6.
  • During early voting periods and on Election Day, March On the Polls will be marching en masse to make our voices heard at the ballot box.
  • Check out the training videos from Resistance School to learn how to be an effective canvasser. They have an entire section about communicating with voters! (And learn about our collaboration with them here!)

You know the message: VOTE. But you can multiply your impact by encouraging others to vote as well. If every regular midterm voter convinces one other irregular midterm voter to head to the polls in November, turnout will be higher than it was in 2016! Thank you for voting and volunteering at this critical time!

For more information about our organization, or to make a donation, please visit our website. Pantsuit Nation is proud to be a project of Hopewell Fund.

