2016: Simple Guide For Better Health

Ade Olabode
Papa Olabode
Published in
4 min readJan 1, 2016

I detest New Year resolutions.

I have tried them in the past. But like most people, always seem to run out of steam by March (April latest), irrespective of my best intentions. And if I remember correctly, the last New Year resolution I made, was not to make any more resolutions!

And I’ve largely kept my words. However I’ve been thinking a lot about health and in particular — my health. I always like to think of myself as being responsible. While I loathe resolutions, I dig responsible. And being a father with 2 young boys (3 and 1+ years old), it’s actually irresponsible of me, not to take my health more seriously. Especially considering the health scare I had at the tail end of last year.

It’s time for a change in 2016. Time to be more responsible. So this year I’m absolutely going to try my best to follow these simple rules;

Eat healthy

No.1 decision is to eat healthy. And it’s all about the simple things - yes to more greens & fruits, no to extremely late meals, drink more water etc. Even if you don’t end of being the type that knows exactly how many calories are in a cereal bar, and consumes 5 fruits a day etc. You will do your body a whole world of good by watching what you put in it. And definitely cut down on the junk!

Say NO to the sweet stuff..

Get more sleep

Sleep is not overrated! How do I know? Well I’m usually the type existing solely, on 4hrs sleep. Sometimes for days. However I will be the first to acknowledge, that I perform better once I get an an average of 6 –7 hrs sleep. But this is not groundbreaking news - the verdict is stale and old.

In the view of many researchers, evidence suggests that various sleep stages are involved in the consolidation of different types of memories and that being sleep deprived reduces one’s ability to learn - Ellenbogen JM, Payne JD, Stickgold R.

Now we know, if you don’t sleep, you can’t learn. And of course if you can’t learn, you don’t earn! It’s official folks, sleep is good for you.


What counts as exercise? To the best of my knowledge, anything that involves physical activity and exertion. And that’s what I intend to do this year. Get up and exercise no matter how little.

And I’ve taken this to heart already. That’s why I was excited to start the New Year today, with a family pilgrim walk on Deacon’s Hill, Bedfordshire, even on a cold morning. Every little step counts.

At the start of a new journey (and year)
Remember, when you’re lost…checking the map is a ‘group’ effort

Laugh More

Okay, I admit that I laugh a lot. But this year I’m determined to laugh even more. Sounds funny? Here’s the thing, laughing relaxes your whole body (especially useful for decision making), helps to reduce stress (by decreasing stress hormones while releasing endorphin), boosts your immune system (increases immune cells and infection-fighting antibodies) etc. Loads of good stuff happens to our brain and body simply by laughing. ‘Laughter is the best medicine’ is definitely no laughing matter. Whatever happens, best to keep laughing and remember the best things in life are indeed free.

Following these simple rules in 2016 is a worthy goal. Yes, there will be days juggling and wearing all the hats, will make it easy to banish your health as unimportant. And I know there will be days running my startup PrognoStore will be especially daunting. However keeping your body in good health, is a must to be the best that you can be.

It is health that is real wealth and not pieces of gold and silver. - Mahatma Gandhi

Cheers to a New Year with Good Health to you and yours!

P.S If you’re interested in joining us in building beautiful and robust tools for small business owners, then you’re in luck. PrognoStore is currently recruiting and looking for software engineers and designers.



Ade Olabode
Papa Olabode

King of my Jungle...loves all things @PrognoStore