Then & Now Ten Years Apart

2012 King-Hits and Medium

My first ottava rima — thanks Ev, Som and William

Carolyn Hastings
Paper Poetry
Published in
2 min readAug 12, 2022


Handwritten words shaped in the lines of 2012 on top of a black 2022 diary.
words and image by writer

I thought I was strong enough to get through it
A year that started grimly and became worse
with stresses and trauma that felt like king-hits
and gut-wrench punches to my solar plexus
Two thousand and twelve showed me life’s no gambit
and one day it will be my turn for the hearse
Cheer up! Life lived does have a gold premium
coz that same year Ev Williams launched Medium!

© Carolyn Hastings 2022

Holy moly! 2012 was my horror year — and August was especially horrid. Even now looking back on it from ‘ten years apart’, it still makes my insides buckle. 😖

As my world fell apart, and me along with it, Ev Williams was busy launching his online writing platform, Medium.

I was none the wiser! 😵

In fact, it took me eight years almost to the day to discover Medium. That’s two years ago…

…and 300 published stories later!

Holy moly! How life has changed! 😄



Carolyn Hastings
Paper Poetry

Well-practiced speech pathologist now practicing to be a children’s book writer — emphasis on practicing.