World Poetry Day 2023

A Fascination For My Poet’s Eye

Always be a poet even with a prittle

Carolyn Hastings
Paper Poetry
Published in
3 min readMar 21, 2023


A garden scene with a black car and residential houses in the background. The words, ‘a fascination for my poet’s eye’ is overprinted along the pathway.
My front garden — author’s own photo edited in Canva

When you come to my place and stop at the door, take a moment to note where you are. You’re here at my home where poetry lives — look around — you’ll find poetry embedded everywhere. Go right ahead, create poetry of your own or have yourself a wee piece of mine. Poetry’s free and it’s here for the taking — come along, I’ll show you around.

My garden’s a mess but it couldn’t care less and frankly nor do I. We’ve done well to survive Melbourne’s dry, off-and-on summer, now autumn’s arrived with aplomb. Long liriope straps wave and nod in the wind, the rosella-red geraniums hunker down. Spindly fuchsia canes dunk and thrust their ballerinas — watch them — high in mid-air they perform.

And in a blink a lone butterfly flutters by.

Look further and the agapanthus with their many spent heads await the day they all get the snip. Fairy irises gone to seed, balsam seen better days but there in the corner the yucca does the hard yakka in full sun hard up against a brick wall.

Dusted blue succulents tumble from terracotta tubs their resilience worth a miser’s fortune. There’s poetry in the rosemary, the azaleas are doing fine and the crepe myrtle’s put on a pretty show.



Carolyn Hastings
Paper Poetry

Well-practiced speech pathologist now practicing to be a children’s book writer — emphasis on practicing.