A Storm Is About to Come on a Sandy Plateau

Here comes the Week 7 poetry prompt

Suntonu Bhadra
Paper Poetry


Left side image: Photo by Vincent Pelletier from Pexels, Right side image: Photo by Johannes Plenio from Pexels (+ reversed the same photo), created in Canva

Change is the only constant。
That means to adhere to changes; we have to let things go.

As Eckhart Tolle mentioned, ‘Sometimes letting things go is an act of far greater power than defending or hanging on.’

So, yes, we are saying goodbye to W6 Prompt, but before that, let me say, ‘Thank you’ to the writers who have shared their beautiful words on the quote prompt and to the readers for exploring the fantastic content.

If you haven’t explored it yet, here is your chance to read and support these incredible writers who colored the quote prompt with their unique words.

The Sunset of My Life by Raine Lore
Parting… by Setraj Jahan
Prudence* by Dr. Fatima Imam
Attention Vladimir Putin by Carolyn Hastings
Paperwing by Jim Dutton
Only the Dog by Toni Crowe
Buddha In A Traffic Jam by Monoreena Acharjee Majumdar

Thank you, Raine, Setraj, Dr. Fatima, Carolyn, Jim, Toni, and Monoreena, for your submissions. 🤍❤️

Next prompt 🤔!!!

