A Tale of Us

Me, you, and the moon

Bulan Empat
Paper Poetry
Nov 7, 2021


Photo by Chris Ainsworth on Unsplash

My dearest,
I asked the moon about you
I didn’t get an answer
He just gracefully listened

In lieu, he told me stories

Of those nights when he saw us as one
A warm night in August, when we first met
Riding around the town, talking nonsense
Watching the lovely beams of him at the side of the lake
A night when we made fun of why he looked blurry
He was laughing with us that night

He told me about the night of our first fight
Those nights when we both cried
Those nights when we decided to try
Those nights when we crashed back to square one

A night when we separated without goodbye..

He was crying with us that night

Handwritten draft by the author



Bulan Empat
Paper Poetry

Here writing, when I'm not busy adulting and paying bills.