You, A Wonder

Who Left

Bulan Empat
Paper Poetry
Oct 23, 2021


Photo by Yousef Espanioly on Unsplash

I’m a hopeless romantic and I believe in wonder
There’s a wonder in the purple of dusk falling
Dazzling colors embellish the show of sundown
To make hay while it shines

There’s a wonder in every drop of rain,
In every lightning storm
In the serene of silence
In a swarm of clumpy clouds

Loving is easy when you believe in its wonder
You’re one of the startling wonders that I believe
For that, loving you is easy

Now that you fly away
Please take all the charms with you
Don’t leave your magic dust with me
I have to stop believing in your wonder

You, A Wonder — Handwritten draft by the author



Bulan Empat
Paper Poetry

Here writing, when I'm not busy adulting and paying bills.