Accept Yourself

It is not easy to forget unpleasant results that we had made efforts for, but we can transform ourselves by accepting whatever has happened.

Vikash Hanwat
Paper Poetry
Nov 10, 2023


Created by the Author with the help of CANVA

Have you lost a lot?
Do you regret yesterday’s decisions?
Is everything going wrong in life?
Have you not yet received what you wanted?
Are you unable to accept the mistakes you’ve made?
Are you unable to free yourself from the past?
Yes, you are right to some extent.
But you are not always right.
I agree, it’s not so easy to emerge from darkness.
But, even living like this doesn’t lead to anything.
Accept what has happened.
Come, my friend, accept yourself.
Rise, move forward, and expand yourself.

thanks for reading and Sharing!

Read also my previous articles



Vikash Hanwat
Paper Poetry

Explorer_Poet_Teacher_Writer_Ghostwriter_Global thinker_Rationalist_& I love the stories and want to share with you on self-love and personal development.