World Poetry Day 2023 Writing Prompt

Always Be a Poet

Do it with heart and with flair

Carolyn Hastings
Paper Poetry
Published in
4 min readMar 16, 2023


The colorful seagreen and magenta streetscape outside Au Vieux Paris d’Arcole restaurant in central Paris.
Heart and flair in action! — image by Dirk Giepen from Pixabay — modified by author in Canva

The magic of March is upon us
Do you feel its vibes in the air?
‘Abracadabra’, create what you say
Do it with heart and with flair

Greetings to all our Paper Poetry friends,

Yes, the magic of March fills the air, enervates our minds, tickles our souls and has our words spilling over with l’amour de la vie (love of life). Do you feel it?

For sure, we here at Paper Poetry feel it. We’ve been reveling in the magic emanating from the marvelous responses to Indubala Kachhawa’s Magical March — Abracadabra, I create as I speak prompt

Please join us in thanking the wonderful word magicians for conjuring up an enchanting poetry potion for all of us to enjoy –

🤩️ Mia Verita for The Magic of Words
🤩️ Lubna Yusuf for Abracadabra
🤩️ Krystal for Playing the Sympathy Card
🤩️️ William J Spirdione for Abracadabra



Carolyn Hastings
Paper Poetry

Well-practiced speech pathologist now practicing to be a children’s book writer — emphasis on practicing.