Always Positive

Radiate kindness to receive kindness

Josef Melcr
Paper Poetry
Jan 1, 2022


Kindness it the key. (handwriting by the author)

You shall always aim to stay positive
about what you say
about what you do
to others

about how you act
about how you think
about everything

a wise man told me once

For negative thoughts
breed negative acts
leading to negative feelings
that bring negative thoughts
breeding negative acts
that lead to, oh …

Let that never happen
to your acquaintances and friends
to your loved ones
and most importantly
let that never happen to you.

For you can be
the spring of positive energy
the great geyser of kindness
with peace at its heart
right inside of you.

Allow everyone to remain human
with all the flaws human nature comes with.

Let them simply be
very normal imperfect human beings.

Just like you and me.



Josef Melcr
Paper Poetry

Researcher, thinker, writer, teacher, dad and a passionate board games player.