Poemorama at Paper Poetry

Amchi Mumbai

It means “Our Mumbai” in Marathi

Priyanka Sinha
Paper Poetry


Poemorama: Part II — Locations prompt 6 — Mumbai

Translates to - Mumbai-- my life! There's a popular song & a movie on the theme(Author's pic)

As I look from the balcony
of my 18th floor flat
with a cup of tea in my hand
the breeze sweeps my face
& on the horizon, I can see
glimmering water of the sea
under the bright sun
a big vessel nearing the coast, in the Indian Ocean
yet running along my gaze
on the ground,
is a rail of tiny abodes
that stand tall in might
next to the skyscrapers
& faraway somewhere there are sea-facing bungalows of Bollywood biggies
Antilia of Ambanis
suburbanite & snobby townies
woven in the same fabric
with colorful threads of every hue
Welcome to the city of Mumbai!

Amidst the clutter, chaos, crowd & traffic woes
the dirt, the grime, the noise, the plights, the spirits bright
taking all in stride
undaunted she thrives

Life in the metro, in an auto mode
A hasty yet order in chaos
The lady with a startup,
her cook & babysitter — none can mess up!
As the boss curses poor network in the backseat
his driver relaxed in the car with AC
all running a synchronised medley.
As celebrities party at their yachts,
Quick home deliveries & weekend getaways are solace for the middle class.

There’re only 2 seasons
The sweltering heat
when gives way to heavy monsoon
in the ceaseless rain & high waves
all roads lead to Worli, Marine Drive & Juhu beaches
waterlogged roads — warning signs tossed in the same sea
Nobody minds, it’s nothing new!
Ganpati arrives in September
amidst the famous festive fervour
celebratory mood of the bustling city
For 11 days, it’s all about the deity!

Unbound by a region or religion
it’s a mishmash, a melange
City of Dreams — it’s up to you to seize
Phoenix rise after every attack & blasts
of terrorism & riots from the past
A world fame airport, commercial capital, MNCs, majestic offices, big hospitals & every industry
An India within India, mirroring its growth story
Teaching a lesson or two
in embracing, adapting, adopting, enhancing that’s our Mumbai — Aamchi Mumbai

A family trip to the Gateway of India (author's pic)

This poem is dedicated to the spirit of Mumbai from my experience of calling it home for 10 years (2008–2018) & it continues to be so due to an apartment there.

Personally a very happy & lucky decade!

Thank you Paper Poetry & Suntonu Bhadra for the wonderful prompt. It allowed me to pay an ode to aamchi beloved Mumbai!

Here’s the link to the prompt —



Priyanka Sinha
Paper Poetry

Hi ! I am Priyanka from India 🙏 A dentist by education, a wife & mom to 3 boys . "Magic of mundane" That's what I call my write ups, tales & tussles as I see