Another World

Sifar — Nothingness | صِفَر |

Lubna Yusuf
Paper Poetry


Line Art Illustration Lubna Yusuf

there’s another world
between us and this passing
yellow meets orange
painting colours of new dawn
us, looking at each other

another day melts
into an unspoken night
where does this begin
how long does forever last
from dust to dust in sifar

This piece contains two tanka poems. Tanka is a five-line, 31-syllable poem that has historically been the basic form of Japanese poetry. Tanka consist of five units (often treated as separate lines when romanized or translated) usually with 5–7–5–7–7 syllable structure.

Sifar comes from the Arabic word ‘Sifr’ صِفَر and the English word Cipher is derived from it. It literally means Zero, Nothing or a Void.

I’m very grateful to the creative editorial team of Paper Poetry, Indubala Kachhawa, Carolyn Hastings, Suntonu Bhadra for their support and this beautiful poetry series. It has been such a pleasure to be a part of this. I’m very thankful to each reader for your time and all your kind comments. It is very motivating to read all feedback.

Editorial Note: Paper Poetry runs a series on a unique and a wonderful theme every month. To know more about Poetry Series and to participate in the same, click here.



Lubna Yusuf
Paper Poetry

BOOKS: | Author, Lawyer, Filmmaker, Multidisciplinary Artist |Co-author TheAIBook | Instagram @iglubna