
Free verse poetry

James G Brennan
Paper Poetry
Published in
2 min readSep 17, 2020


Photo by James. G. Brennan.

They are everything, and they are everywhere
They are you and me in everything we see
In the smallest of places and the largest of spaces
In the sky above in the earth below
Out there in the planets, the stars, and way beyond
Within the darkness, within the light, and everything in between.

They vibrate
Some faster than others
Some slower than others,
They travel They hang around
They are gasses they are water
They are rock they are metal
They are everything you and I know about
And all we do not.

When we watch them closely
They change their behaviour
So as not to reveal their true nature
They play tricks on us with their spooky spins
And entanglement influencing another
Over great distances in an instant.

The more we learn, the more we know not
Of their true manner, yet we manipulate them
For our own destruction.

One day we will no longer be part
Of them in a way we understand
When that day comes
We will cease our conscious minds and travel within
Embraced no judgement, just vibrate in coexistence
The way it always was, the way it always will.

Thank you Suntonu Bhadra for giving my words a platform here at Paper Poetry.
Thank you all for reading and your precious time. J.



James G Brennan
Paper Poetry

Writes free to read eclectic free verse poetry. "Everything in life is writable about" Sylvia Plath.