
Ubuntu: I am because you are

James G Brennan
Paper Poetry
Published in
2 min readMar 5, 2021


Photo: James. G. Brennan.

We started our journey together born in our African Eden
without a story, the story became us
what we achieved together as one
growing together, loving together, learning together.

Together, that’s how we made it, this life
this species, surviving, without each other
we are no one; we all had a mother, mother is our earth.
Ubuntu: I am because you are.

Travelling over lands across seas
adapting to new circumstance
living, fucking and dying together
our experiences shaping us.

Giving new life through our seeds
birthing generations of our species
new ideas further development,
advancing our race against many odds, or not.

To go back in time, to realise
we are not separate clans,
colours or borders, these do not define us,
words spoken by those who would control us
serving their hidden agendas hold no value.

We define us, you and I.

Ubuntu: I am because you are.

James G Brennan 2021

This is the third piece in the “Ubuntu” series in the spirit of, “I am because you are.” Here are the links for the last two pieces. Please feel free to explore the first (Ubuntu Mbira) & second (Across Oceans of Hope) of the series.

A new title will be put forward each week. Next week’s title (fourth and final) in the Ubuntu series will be Expansion.”

Thank you as always, Suntonu Bhadra for giving my words a platform. 🙏
Thank you all for reading and your precious time. Always. J.



James G Brennan
Paper Poetry

Writes free to read eclectic free verse poetry. "Everything in life is writable about" Sylvia Plath.