Blue is My Favourite Colour!

In life as in art, blue is as blue gets!

Amrutha Manoj
Paper Poetry
2 min readJun 12, 2021


created by author using canva

Darkened red looks brown and whitened red is pink,
All blue is blue and hence it’s the most popular colour for ink

It’s so noble that the royalty picked their blood blue,
And so did all these social media giants— their logos’ and ticks’ hue!

There was a time when Ultramarine was as worthy as gold
But why will you not pay if u get some nice blue to hold?

For instance, the Romans, Mesopotamians and Greeks even built factories,
To produce blue and its variants to celebrate their many victories…

Hence it’s not surprising that blue Nazar-amulets ward off evil eye.
After all it’s beautiful, lucky and charming like the Lapis lazuli!

But then again, I’m stumped that in history blue hasn’t always been pleasant
Although they say, “old, new, borrowed and blue”, for a bride’s present!

Like, Blue says we feel slag and glum more than we say we do,
We wake up on Monday mornings feeling that kinda blue…

They also say, “if you’re sad, it’s okay to feel the emotions and its myriad
You know, in art history, even Picasso had a blue period!”

So, if someone complains about their lunch alone on a Sunday afternoon…
Just say, “Shrug it off, if it happens only once in a blue moon!”

‘Coz I’ll tell you what, if everything magnanimous takes a shade of blue —
Like the Sky, the Sea, the Earth, the Whale…then why not you?

Pull yourself together, wear all blue, have a blueberry and stop feeling blue!

Melanie J. had recently written on Blue Confidence.
Inspired by her, this prose poem is my take on the colour.

