Poetry Prompt Announcement

Change Is The Only Constant

Enjoying the fruits of labor and letting them go

Indubala Kachhawa
Paper Poetry
Published in
3 min readFeb 27, 2022


© Image edited by Indubala Kachhawa on Canva

Welcome Paper Poetry patrons,
Our ship has set sail on a great note with you all onboard. We appreciate and value you. 🙇

The world as we see today is again at the crossroads of war and destruction as if the painful pandemic was not enough. History repeats and the lust for power and control of one man has turned many innocent lives upside down.

War ricochets. War changes warriors, people, borders, relations, generations, socio-political-economic equations. Everything! A war is always destructive. It destroys everything and anything which comes in its way.

This is so true about ourselves too. Sometimes we find ourselves at war with ourselves holding on to unnecessary baggage [things|people|memories|emotions] to no purpose.

Why do we hold on knowing nothing remains, except love. Why are we humans so glued to transience? Why do we hold on to materialism? Why do we hold on to things which we cannot carry to another realm?

So many why’s? Maybe you can answer them for us in the below W6 prompt.



Indubala Kachhawa
Paper Poetry

Aquarian by design | Storyteller | Poet |Public Speaker. Sketch artist | Mindful every moment |Spiritual.