Reveal the Light

Feeble Burnt Candle

Flickering away

Pedro Rafael
Paper Poetry


author's handwritten text

To a blind man
any shimmering
illustrates the sun.

Eyes open,
yet widely blind,
I grabbed onto love.

Thought myself
bathed in her sun,
blanketed in her warmth.

Trust in me your sight,
I'll always be by your side —
said her trojan voice.

Her warm sunshiny love?


A feeble burnt candle,
a smothering flame
flickering away…

Eyes robbed of light,
lied and laid on the dirt,
I buried my shredded love.

A mangled seed weeping
for fertile fields of joy,
aching to bloom anew.

[a E.]

Inspired by Paper Poetry’s prompt, Reveal The Light —

This prompt has been open in my tabs for a while, and in my mind as well. As days went by, I was searching/waiting for something to come my way.

I did want to write something lighter, pardon the pun. I'm looking to improve my mood, the idea was to find a reason to write a lifting poem.

The mood is heavy, thus this came to light, pardon the pun again.

I think the words "shimmering", "illustrates", "sun", "candle", etc. came about because the prompt was always in the back of my mind.

In the end, something hard happened and this is/was the result: the attempt to place emotions in paper and stop the suffering.

