Finally, Virginia

Yet another love song to the Wolf Moon

Jenine Bsharah Baines
Paper Poetry
Published in
2 min readMay 20, 2022


Virginia Wolff in Venice: Emerald image by poet via Canva

“..for unless I am myself, I am nobody” ~Virginia Woolf

I got clean sheets on the bed
and turned off the lamp, except –

wouldn’t you know –

anthracite theta waves kept jostling my raft
like snores from a bedmate.

As 3 a.m. crested, my vessel surrendered
to the Lighthouse’s song
to the moon

steering itself note by note,
light mote by light motet
to my front steps — emerald grasses
lapping the dock
as if I, too, were in Venice
on my honeymoon.

kicking back sheets
of the past
to the foot of the bed.

like emerald over multi-faceted ages.

Moon the third eye
my heart steers by.



Jenine Bsharah Baines
Paper Poetry

J…Jen…Jeni…Jenine... Proper names are poetry in the raw. (W.H. Auden) Poet, singer, seeker, hippie grandmother gleefully revealing herself