Deja Vu at Paper Poetry
Fluttering By
Butterfly wings
spy bright
wings hovering
among the lilacs
as they feast on nectar
nestled deep in the center;
Fluttering their wings, they dance through
my garden, a welcome reminder
simply to breathe. Look around; life’s a gift.
Here’s my attempt at writing a second etheree poem as I wing my way into this prompt. (My first one is here)
The beauty of this style of poetry is the combination of numbers plus language. Counting up to ten is not the goal, but rather how to create a memorable image or phrase to capture a moment in time. I’m looking at this style as an expansion of an overgrown haiku.
Written for Déjà Vu at Paper Poetry in response to the Week 14 prompt: wings —
Week 14 prompt: wings —