Found Friends

A poem of friendship

Melissa Speed
Paper Poetry


What say you, friends —
Shall we sit and share a while?
Read each other’s rhymes
And make each other smile?
Through writing, we found each other —
Our people, our own clan.
How I love to check in with you
Whenever I find I can.

Thank you, Anu Anniah, for inviting me to take up the challenge of writing a poem about friendship in sixty seconds. My timer set, I sat at the table with the scrap paper I had grabbed and I wrote what came to mind. The beauty of the timed challenge is that you have to write the first thing that comes to mind, making it an interesting experiment.

What might come to mind if you set a timer and sat down to write about friendship? Why not join us and have a go yourself?

Then, come back and take a look at some of the sixty-second friendship poems already produced by these wonderful writers:

