Good-bye Winter


Thalia Dunn
Paper Poetry
Published in
Feb 26, 2021


Photo by Alex Otto on Unsplash

February is slip-sliding into March here in the Northeast. From bitter cold temperatures of last week and mountains of plowed snow (loved it!!), we’re now starting step over melting puddles and pockets of earth peeking under snow.

Spring is coming. But even as Spring is stepping forward, Winter still captivates me with its beauty.

Poem by Thalia Dunn

Branches, dressed in ice,
glisten in early morning,
frozen in beauty.

Poem by Thalia Dunn

Icicles sparkle
and shimmer as they transform,
tomorrow’s puddles.

Day 11 in my writing challenge!



Thalia Dunn
Paper Poetry

I’ve been scribbling in notebooks and journals for years and finally decided to share with like-minded pilgrims on our adventure through life.