I Am the Earth’s Child

I link the heavens and the below’s grace

Nora Donahue
Paper Poetry


Nora Donahue — Midjourney

see my fiery stare? I am the earth’s child,
warm tone, born in the sky’s mother’s embrace.
forming rays, I am the breath of the wild,
I link the heavens and the below’s grace.

but you steal me, put a knife above my roots.
your love fades so swift — I beg for time, but
you rip my hair out, my core attributes.
you love me, you love me not? You could.

you nibble my guts out, you eat my flesh,
scatter shells on concrete, or near the lake.
a distant place, a new home for new mesh,
and sun knows, how long my rebirth will take.

yet someday I rise — healthy, strong, new flame,
shaped from the parts you didn’t swallow, wait.
don’t look my way, I’m not a prize to claim;
stop, don’t break my legs, will this be my fate?

you should know, with every cut, I bloom slow.
I don’t ask for much, want to be my own.
yet you harvest, rip, throw — and I regrow.
I’m so tired, please,
please, leave me alone.

Thanks for reading. Here’s a music recommendation as a bonus.

